• What Is The Rarest Emote In Fortnite?

    It seems like just yesterday Fortnite's emotes were getting it into a lot of trouble. Now those controversies have passed, and we're back to laughing at them. But there are some emotes we haven't seen in a while. It begs the question: what is the rarest emote in Fortnite?

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Fortnite Season 10 Smash & Grab Mission Challenges

    The weekly reset has arrived inside Fortnite, bringing a brand new mission to the forefront. This week's is called "Smash & Grab," and true to its name, it's going to have you doing a lot of smashing and a lot of grabbing. But also a lot of shooting.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • What Is The Rarest Glider In Fortnite?

    Fortnite is as much about its cosmetics as it is looting and shooting. Some of the fun comes not from playing the game, but from hunting for some of the rare items available from its store. Most gliders, for instance, are a dime a dozen. But some are very rare. What is the rarest glider in Fortnite?

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Will Mortal Kombat 12 Ever Happen?

    Isn't it a little early to be thinking about Mortal Kombat 12? At the time of writing, we're a mere four months from Mortal Kombat 11 having launched, and there are DLC characters on the way. Nevertheless, we're going ask and answer this question: Will Mortal Kombat 12 ever happen?

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of PewDiePie's Wife

    With beginnings that sound more like a fangirl fantasy than a real life relationship, PewDiePie and Marzia have kept their fun relationship vibrant and engaging on social media. Now that Marzia is officially Mrs. PewDiePie, here are some interesting facts you may not have known about her.

    By Shannen Camp Read More
  • The Best Way To Tame A Horse In Minecraft

    If you've played Minecraft, you've likely laid eyes on a horse or two. They're blocky. They're adorable. You want to saddle up on one and listen as its square hooves gallop across the plains. But these horses are wild, and in order to bring one under your command, you first have to tame it.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Mortal Kombat 11 Teases 6 New Characters

    Today, at long last, we finally got a look at which new characters are coming to Mortal Kombat 11 as part of the game's Kombat Pack. There's a lot to like here. There's also a one-hundred percent chance some fans won't be happy that their favorite characters didn't get the nod.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Mysterious Sony Patent Could Be Our Next Gen Console

    Could we be looking at the PlayStation 5? A new patent by Sony in Brazil has the internet abuzz, as fans wonder if Sony is letting the cat out of the bag regarding its next-gen console, or if everyone's reading too far into some other piece of gear.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Here's How Much LazarBeam Is Worth Now

    Lannon "LazarBeam" Eacott has accomplished quite a bit in the past few years. He dropped out of school and started a YouTube channel. He watched that channel become a massive success. Now he's slowly but surely building out his media empire, expanding into the world of Twitch, for example.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • The Entire StarCraft Story Explained

    Today, we're going to be digging through the complex story of StarCraft to explain exactly why the Terrans, Zerg, and Protoss are all slaughtering each other. We'll start with the original 1998 PC release and work our way up through StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void.

    By Jordan Baranowski Read More
  • Fortnite Season 10 Week 3 Battle Star Location

    You can now collect Fortnite's Season 10, Week 3 Battle Star for The Leftovers mission. Epic Games previously confirmed a bug that prevented players from gathering the Battle Stars for week 1 and week 2. The developer fixed this issue with the v10.10 Patch on Wednesday, August 14.

    By Dani Lee Damas Read More
  • Is It Possible To Make A Circle In Minecraft?

    Minecraft is all about blocks. You mine materials made out of them. You build things with them. The entire Minecraft world is constructed using a bunch of blocks. In a world that boxy, can you create something round? Is it possible to make a circle in Minecraft?

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • How Much Money Do Pro Fortnite Players Make?

    Getting paid to professionally play video games... that sounds like the dream, doesn't it? People are dying to know what Fortnite pros make, as its one of the most popular games out there right now. So how much cash could you bank should you go pro? How much money do pro Fortnite players make?

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Marvel's Avengers Releases Gameplay Footage

    Well over a month ago, attendees at San Diego Comic-Con got a first look at gameplay footage from Marvel's Avengers. Now the rest of us are getting a taste, thanks to a video uploaded to the game's official YouTube channel.

    By Shawn Farner Read More