Marvel's Avengers Was Just Given A Huge Delay
Crystal Dynamics announced that the release of its upcoming Marvel's Avengers game will be pushed back nearly a full four months.
Read MoreCrystal Dynamics announced that the release of its upcoming Marvel's Avengers game will be pushed back nearly a full four months.
Read MoreA few months back, streamer FaZe Jarvis made the news for his rather public ban from Fortnite. Not only was he seen using aimbots to aid in his gameplay, but he released a video centered around the auto-aiming software. Now he has a new video. It's probably not the kind you're expecting, though.
Read MoreIn terms of no-brainer ports, there are several the Nintendo Switch hasn't received. (Three words: Mass Effect trilogy.) It seems 2K is at least willing to do its part, however, in that three of the last generation's greatest games look like they're coming to Nintendo's hybrid in short order.
Read MoreE3 is still several months away, but we already have a sense of what two huge gaming companies have in store for the industry's premier conference. One is deep into planning for what it'll show off during the event. And the other? That company is skipping the show entirely.
Read MoreSpeedrunners have raced through sprawling, dialogue heavy RPGs in a matter of minutes. Now, they've turned their attention to exercise games.
Read MoreEverything you need to know about Dreams, the new game creation system from Media Molecule.
Read MoreRiot has been busy. Legends of Runeterra, the League of Legends-based card game, is just the first of many new games that will soon be available. Announced late last year, the much-anticipated, free-to-play friendly card game is going into open beta on Jan. 24.
Read MoreThe rumor mill has been churning out dubious information regarding the next Assassin's Creed game. According to the internet (always a reliable resource), Ubisoft is heading to the frozen north and exploring the realm of the Norse gods in the as-yet announced title.
Read MoreMinecraft just got a little more magical. Harry Potter fans have been toiling away for years on a mod that places the Wizarding World directly into Minecraft. Now we have a look at what they've been able to build thus far.
Read MoreMechs vs. Minions was described as a "labor of love," and it turns out that Riot would love to make more tabletop games. Today, the company announced that the new internal studio, Riot Tabletop, will be doing just that.
Read MoreLast week, Grand Theft Auto 4 disappeared from Steam, leading to much speculation from fans on Twitter. Now we know the reason behind the removal.
Read MoreEvan Fong, aka Vanossgaming, has 24 million subscribers on YouTube. The dude has a successful brand on his hands, but how much money is it making him?
Read MoreA new study from Clutch dives into the psychology behind video game addiction. Interestingly enough, it also attempts to list the most addictive games.
Read MoreGood news for anyone who thinks the Dragonborn has it a little too easy: combat in Skyrim just became significantly more deadly.
Read MoreCall of Duty: Modern Warfare developer Infinity Ward has announced a new fundraising effort on Twitter. One of Modern Warfare's DLC bundles, the Outback pack, will now see all its sales donated directly to charities and organizations benefitting the fight against the tragic Australian brushfires.
Read MoreIn an example of how video games can bring people closer together, a young man's life was saved by an online gaming friend. After hearing him in distress, she called an ambulance for him — from nearly 5,000 miles away.
Read MoreCan a seemingly innocent dinner fuel speculation about the reveal of a new video game console? If those people are well known in the PlayStation community -- and that console is the PlayStation 5 -- then yes, it apparently can.
Read MoreSolo Vault Hunters who have wanted to participate in raid missions should be pretty excited for Borderlands 3's latest update. For a limited time, the endgame mission Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite will scale its difficulty to your party size.
Read MorePokemon Go has traditionally differed from the mainline Pokemon titles. The mobile game has several key elements missing, including trainer vs trainer battles, breeding, and bikes. That said, recent updates have made Pokemon Go more like a mainline game than ever before.
Read MoreSince Tetris' heyday back in the '80s, countless clones and versions of the revolutionary title have released. More recently, the Nintendo-produced Tetris 99 has made waves. But what does the co-creator of Tetris really think about it?
Read MoreFirst it happened with Red Dead Redemption 2. Now it's plaguing the newly released Monster Hunter World: Iceborne PC port. Players have reported wiped saves, costing them hours and hours of effort. This is a nightmare scenario for any gamer, but worry not: Capcom is on the case.
Read MoreIt seems like everyone and their grandmother wants to make their own Pokemon clone. Konami is the latest developer to jump on the critter catching game train with the newly announced Solomon Program.
Read MoreIn speedrunning, there's no time for jokes -- usually. At this year's Awesome Games Done Quick, a convention dedicated to, well, playing awesome games really, really quickly, one speedrunner terrified and entertained us all with a well-timed prank.
Read MoreSony shocked the world in 2019 by pulling out of E3, an event it had attended every year since PlayStation's inception. Now there's word that might not have been just a one-off occurrence, and that Sony could once again skip out on E3 in 2020.
Read MoreAnimal Crossing: New Horizons is on the way, and Nintendo is fueling the hype train with some adorable Nintendo Switch accessories. Collecting cute stuff is the name of the Animal Crossing game, so it's fitting that the company is rolling out these new, officially-approved products.
Read MoreThe start of a new console generation can end up leaving some players in the lurch. New exclusives are typically reserved for the new machine, and the old one is usually left behind. Microsoft, however, is looking to break with tradition and keep Xbox One owners gaming for at least a few more years.
Read MoreLet's take a look at some of these features that were removed from Resident Evil 2 and wonder at what could have been. The game we got was pretty great, but is there any way that including a few of these elements would have made it even better?
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