The Sad Reason Ada Wong's Actor Wiped Her Instagram
The actor who plays Ada Wong has been harassed to the point that she wiped most of her Instagram account in retaliation. Here's what we know about the it.
Read MoreThe actor who plays Ada Wong has been harassed to the point that she wiped most of her Instagram account in retaliation. Here's what we know about the it.
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Read MoreThese Gran Turismo 4 cheats took 20 years to discover, but despite the time, they're still worth trying to get more out of the game and avoid one challenge.
Read MoreResident Evil 4 Remake is out and wowing fans and critics alike. But which is the best pistol (& how to unlock it)? Here's what you need to know.
Read MoreZelda: Tears of the Kingdom might have fixed its most annoying mechanic via the Fuse ability. Here's how weapon durability will be vastly different.
Read MoreFinal Fantasy 16 is just around the corner, and fans want to know one thing most of all: How long does it take to beat everything? Here's the answer!
Read MoreSome video game deaths stand out for their sheer brutality, viciously dispatching NPCs and reminding players just how cruel and dark the world can be.
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Read MoreThis scene might feel a little bit familiar to longtime "Resident Evil" fans.
Read MoreElden Ring has many items that can help make the game go more smoothly. Here is an easy guide to find and farm Somber Smithing Stone 7 to level up gear.
Read MoreHow can players solve the church puzzle in Resident Evil 4's remake? The puzzle requires lots of spinning, a hidden dial, and a clever eye.
Read MorePlayers may have felt many of the cast members looked and sounded familiar while building their criminal empire in "Crime Boss: Rockay City."
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