The Red Faction Easter Egg You Can Find In Saints Row
It seems the developers who made "Saints Row" wanted to give an homage to their own dystopian tale.
Read MoreIt seems the developers who made "Saints Row" wanted to give an homage to their own dystopian tale.
Read MoreThe DualSense Edge was unveiled at Gamescom 2022, complete with a trailer revealing the new design.
Read MoreAfter a long wait, Bungie has finally provided information about what to expect from the "Destiny 2: Lightfall" expansion.
Read MoreSony looks to be drawing inspiration from the Microsoft Elite Series for its new DualSense model.
Read MoreWhile plenty of players are eagerly awaiting news about the next "Assassin's Creed" game, Ubisoft is digging up the most bizarre fan letter its ever received.
Read MoreSometimes a delay is enough to cause fans to worry, but "Hogwarts Legacy" has other controversies surrounding it that may test players' moral limitations.
Read MoreAccording to executive producer Jun Takeuchi, Capcom almost released a very different version of "Resident Evil 7."
Read MoreGuardian Ranks is a new reputation system coming to "Destiny 2."
Read More"Pokemon Scarlet and Violet" are embracing the series' spookier roots.
Read MoreHere's what the future may hold for the development of "Knights of the Old Republic."
Read MoreAccording to an update by Pokimane, it might not be long at all until she finally returns to Twitch.
Read More"Two Point Hospital" and "Two Point Campus" share more than a setting in the same county. There's a creepy cult that seemingly connects the two titles.
Read MoreIt'll take players a bit longer to finish "Midnight Fight Express" than it will to watch an action flick.
Read MoreOne $5 billion lawsuit claims Sony is ripping people off by taking an unfair amount of money from digital sales and monopolizing the industry.
Read MoreSkyrim has a new bug that users just discovered: wolves that behave like kangaroos. Here's how gamers found the bug and how they're showing it off in the game.
Read MoreThe Last of Us teaser trailer has fans going wild online, praising the HBO adaptation. However, some felt that it wasn't an accurate enough adaptation.
Read MoreSteve, the protagonist of Minecraft, finally has his beards back. Minecraft brought back the beard and fans can't get enough.
Read MorePGA Tour 2K23 will release soon, but what's included in the Tiger Woods edition? Here's your guide to all the deluxe editions of the game.
Read MoreAs the new "Saints Row" features open-world gameplay, many may wonder how much content the game has to offer.
Read MoreThe critics have reached an overwhelming consensus in their early reactions to the "Saints Row" remake. Here's what they're saying.
Read MoreShigeru Miyamoto's favorite Mario game has changed over the years. The Nintendo legend has plenty of reasons why.
Read MoreNintendo issued a warning to gamers not to use the Wii and DS wi-fi USB adapter. Here's why.
Read MoreMadden NFL 23 features a new mechanic: Superstar or X-Factor abilities. Here's every Tampa Bay Buccaneers player to have one.
Read MoreBound By Blades is a cozy RPG coming to Steam and Nintendo Switch soon. Here's what we know so far.
Read MorePokemon Scarlet and Violet fans have a new theory about Cyclizar. The theory makes perfect sense, even if it hasn't been proven just yet.
Read MoreRockstar might have gone after an original GTA developer for an odd reason. Mike Dailly tweeted about the DMCA takedown on his Twitter account.
Read MoreFor those wanting to challenge the Lord of Blood, here's a rundown on all the ways to get to Mohgwyn Palace in "Elden Ring."
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