The New Word Game That Wordle Fans Need To Download
Looking for a new world puzzle game? We've got just the title for you.
Read MoreLooking for a new world puzzle game? We've got just the title for you.
Read MoreThis massive Storm Point update will undoubtedly change the map forever, but what exactly are these changes and how will they effect gameplay?
Read MoreHere's how to get the jump on the double boss battle with the Valiant Gargoyles in "Elden Ring."
Read MoreFIFA's next update marks a major step forward for the franchise -- but how was this news received by the fans?
Read MoreFans are worried about support classes in Overwatch 2, but devs plan to fix the concern through better communication and updates.
Read MoreWhether they left their mark by establishing a new genre of game or reinventing an old one, each of these games holds historical and pop cultural significance.
Read MoreThe surprising reason Activision Blizzard thinks Call of Duty: Vanguard failed financially.
Read MoreAn item, the Heirloom called Aether's Wings, unlocks a Double Jump in Rogue Legacy 2.
Read MoreA truly weird and cute controller is being used for "Elden Ring."
Read MoreThe creator of Pyramid Head admitted that he regrets making the character, which has been the subject of memes and fan lust over the years.
Read More"Elden Ring" demonstrates that sometimes the scariest parts of a video game aren't always the monsters that jump out from behind a corner.
Read MoreSquare Enix confirmed that many of its massive franchises will get a new home with Embracer Group. But why did Square feel the need to offload so many series?
Read MoreYoutuber Iron Pineapple did the impossible by beating Elden Ring while Overloaded with equipment. The run provided fans useful tips, regardless of their build.
Read MoreGood luck getting by if you weren't born into the upper class to begin with. Not even magic is a guaranteed savior in Dishonored.
Read MoreMutant Football 2 promises to take everything from the original game and turn it up a notch. Here's what we know so far.
Read MoreStrategies players can use to up their game in "Halo Infinite" multiplayer.
Read MoreA recent tweet by Michael's voice actor suggests new GTA DLC could be in the works. Or at least, that's what fans are hoping.
Read MoreElden Ring's singing bats are hiding a tragic truth. They're not sure what happened to the world, but they sure of their own misfortune.
Read MoreInfinity Ward drops a couple more breadcrumbs for fans of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare."
Read MoreNews from an alleged former Bethesda artist has Starfield fans feeling wary.
Read MoreYuji Naka was so frustrated with the process that he took Square Enix to court.
Read MoreThe fantasy world of "Elden Ring" is dark and crumbling, and you'll meet sad and tragic NPC characters along your quest to seek the titular ring.
Read MorePlayStation announced its free PS Plus games for May: FIFA 22, Tribes of Midgard, and Curse of the Dead Gods. The games join a collection of classics.
Read MoreElden Ring has a lot of weapons, but none are as powerful as the Rusty Anchor greataxe. This beast is the most powerful greataxe in the game.
Read MoreDying Light 2 is releasing an update that includes a new New Game Plus mode, with additional content for gamers to enjoy. Here's what it includes.
Read MoreBehaviour Interactive has just announced a new detail about one of its most popular survivors is about to be revealed -- and it's a monumental first.
Read MoreThe critically acclaimed episodic adventure evolved from another zombie-filled pitch.
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