• Will The Xbox Series X Get A New Controller?

    Since the Series X changes very little in the design department — at least when compared to the PlayStation 5 — you probably wonder if Microsoft even bothered including a new controller.

    By Aaron Greenbaum Read More
  • This Game Is Releasing With 10 Discs. Here's Why

    The new version of Microsoft Flight Simulator, known colloquially as Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, is releasing this August. It's now looking like it's going to be a welcome addition to the franchise for any fans let down by the last entry, but this news may have some fans scratching their heads.

    By Nathan Simmons Read More
  • The Real Reason The Sega Saturn Completely Failed

    The Sega Saturn certainly yielded some classic games like NiGHTS Into Dreams, but the console is regarded as one of gaming's biggest flops. Released in Japan in 1994, the console sold poorly when it came to the US and was replaced by the Sega Dreamcast. So how did the Saturn bomb so spectacularly?

    By Nathan Simmons Read More
  • Red Dead Online Players Are Protesting. Here's Why

    Red Dead Redemption 2 players are upset. While the game has been universally praised for its immersion and incredible storyline, there are still some folks who aren't particularly pleased with the game. Specifically, there's a feeling that the game hasn't received enough noteworthy content updates.

    By Nathan Simmons Read More
  • Moments That Nearly Ruined Great Games

    For the most part, gamers can easily turn a blind eye to some aspect of a game that is less than ideal. But not always. These moments nearly ruined great games.

    By Sam Zell-Breier Read More
  • You Should Never Use The MG34 In Warzone. Here's Why.

    At first glance, you might assume the MG34 is a great weapon due to its kill time. Well, just like boxing matches aren't solely determined by the strength of a punch, there's more to weapon viability than the amount of time needed to hold down the trigger before your opponent stops moving.

    By Aaron Greenbaum Read More
  • Xbox Explains The 'Soul' Of The Series X

    We've heard a lot about the processing power of the Xbox Series X, but it turns out that there's a whole lot more under the next-gen console's hood. Xbox Series X director of program management, Jason Ronald, told gamers about Xbox's Velocity Architecture. All in all, it sounds incredibly promising.

    By Nathan Simmons Read More
  • Esposito Reveals What Inspired His Far Cry 6 Role

    An accidental leak on the PlayStation Store revealed that Far Cry 6 was finally on its way and one of the main characters in the game will be portrayed by actor Giancarlo Esposito. Now the actor has shared where he got the inspiration for his new role, and the answer may surprise some history buffs.

    By Nathan Simmons Read More
  • Far Cry 6 - What We Know So Far

    The Far Cry series is among Ubisoft's biggest sellers — and now that it has officially confirmed that Far Cry 6 is coming, the anticipation can truly begin! Here's what we know right now.

    By Helen A. Lee Read More
  • We Finally Know Why Xbox Has So Few Exclusives

    The Series X's biggest competitor, the PlayStation 5, is set to launch at roughly the same time, and people are beginning to notice a difference in what the two consoles have to offer. Namely, the PlayStation 5 seems to come with a much more robust line of exclusive games. Now we know why that is.

    By Nathan Simmons Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of Offline TV

    How did the brand get started, and what sort of streaming shenanigans has the group been involved in? This is the untold truth of Offline TV.

    By Emily Reuben Read More
  • Apex Legends May Bring Back This Fan Favorite Skin

    Apex Legends is having a pretty successful season. Now, recently uncovered data seems to point to a fan favorite character skin making its triumphant return to Apex Legends. That's right; those of you who missed out on Wraith's awesome Voidwalker skin may get a second chance in the very near future.

    By Nathan Simmons Read More
  • The Evidence For Xbox Series S Is Overwhelming

    Some question whether the Series S exists since Microsoft has said less than nothing on the matter, but there seems to be quite a bit of compelling evidence that the Xbox Series S is very much real. Take a look.

    By Aaron Greenbaum Read More
  • Xbox Wants Your Next-Gen Upgrades To Be Free

    One of the most interesting aspects of the upcoming console generation is the concept of Smart Delivery. The idea of being able to upgrade to the best version of a particular game is very exciting. However, it looks as though Xbox is making huge efforts to sweeten the pot regarding Smart Delivery.

    By Nathan Simmons Read More