This Tomb Raider Series Is Coming To A Streaming Platform Near You
Netflix has announced that an animated Tomb Raider TV series is currently in the works. That's right, a Tomb Raider series is coming.
Read MoreNetflix has announced that an animated Tomb Raider TV series is currently in the works. That's right, a Tomb Raider series is coming.
Read MoreFall Guys: Ultimate Knockout has already exceeded its creators' wildest expectations, and the developers have teased that it could soon be playable everywhere.
Read MoreReferring to the Share button on the Xbox Series X|S controller, one Twitter user highlighted several issues with the experience.
Read MoreLet's break down exactly what happened at the end of Miles Morales, and where the Spider-Man game series could go from here.
Read MoreYou may be shocked to learn this, but 1987's introduction of Mega Man to the States actually didn't sell so well, and almost didn't become a franchise.
Read MoreAccording to the community developer Johan Lindholm, the next-gen version of The Division 2 will support 4K resolution at 60 FPS.
Read MoreWhat would happen if a Hitman 3 player shoved an entire town into a freezer and then blew them all up?
Read MoreLinus Tech Tips' most recent attempt at building a PC that would outdo the Xbox Series X was truly impressive.
Read MoreThe Lord of the Rings: Gollum, has been delayed until 2022, as opposed to its original plan for a 2021 release.
Read MoreThe truth is, while the game is dripping with atmosphere and features an engaging narrative, some found its design left something to be desired.
Read MoreRockstar Games might have something in the works that should please GTA fans who pine for the days of San Andreas and Vice City.
Read MoreLoot boxes are likely here to stay. That said, some are more successful than others. Here are the loot boxes that caused an uproar with gamers.
Read MoreThe Xbox brand considers the launch of the Xbox Series X a success, but with the good news comes a bit of bad news, too.
Read MoreEver since Resident Evil 8: Village was announced, gamers have been abuzz about its "Vampire Lady." Here's what we know about Resident Evil 8's Vampire Lady.
Read MoreNot only does this ending leave the World of Assassination trilogy on a downer note, it also calls back to the very beginning of the Hitman franchise in 2000.
Read MoreXbox Game Pass has been on a tear for the past few years. Lately, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate has added some extras that are pretty tough to ignore.
Read MoreIn a recent issue of Famitsu (translated by Japanese Nintendo), reviewers covered their impressions of the game, including its length.
Read MoreShattered: Tale of the Forgotten King is an upcoming indie 2.5D fantasy platformer. Here's what we know so far about the release date, trailer, and gameplay.
Read MoreYou're going to want to be careful in the months going forward, especially if you want to avoid spoilers.
Read MoreGrand Theft Auto Five has some dark Easter eggs, including the ghost of Jolene Cranley-Evans. Here's the spooky paranormal easter egg you need to see in GTA 5
Read MoreDespite the notable silence from both Nintendo and Platinum Games, there have been a few rumors and breadcrumbs of information surrounding the elusive title
Read More"Top of the World," the first mission in Hitman 3, sends Agent 47 to a skyscraper in Dubai. It's also the Hitman 3 mission you can beat in a matter of seconds.
Read MoreAmong Us is packed with many details that you probably wouldn't notice unless you're old enough to join NASA. Here are the things only adults pick up on.
Read MoreMicrosoft has walked back its Xbox Gold price hikes and also made free-to-play games available without a subscription, a perk that many feel was always coming.
Read MoreWhen a developer references another game in its own catalogue, this is pretty much unofficial confirmation that both games take place within the same universe.
Read MoreWhen it comes to concept and gameplay, Viewtiful Joe is rather timeless, not to mention one of the most underrated superhero games.
Read MoreThe ending of Immortals Fenyx Rising brings everything full circle to hammer home the power of storytelling. Here's how it all plays out.
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