The Shady Side Of Xbox
The gaming giant has angered gamers many times, and some of Microsoft's dubious decisions have even flown under the radar.
Read MoreThe gaming giant has angered gamers many times, and some of Microsoft's dubious decisions have even flown under the radar.
Read MoreSouthern Gothic point-and-click adventure "Norco" invites players to visit an alternate sci-fi take on the real-world, titular town located about 25 miles away from New Orleans.
Read MoreCozy sci-fi indie "FixFox" follows Vix, a space mechanic who finds herself marooned on Karamel, a peculiar planet with a host of secrets to uncover.
Read MoreOne Xbox travel case packs a huge punch via its price tag. Here are the details on the case that costs more than the console itself.
Read MoreA recent Warzone loss prompted Doc to talk about a new concept for improving "Warzone" and other battle royale games.
Read MoreAfter many setbacks and issues, it seems the gaming community will finally have to say a permanent goodbye to "Hyper Scape."
Read MoreAlanah Pearce alleged that Chinese distributor Tencent wanted characters to have bigger breasts and lighter skin, and that people should be worried about it.
Read MoreOne Unpacking clone gained traction on mobile platforms, leading the game's developer to call for it to be removed from stores. It seemed due to a lack of research.
Read MoreMost GTA players don't realize that real-life drug cartels have recruiters logging in alongside them.
Read MoreOf the few players that have decided to stick with "Battlefield 2042," many of them have faced bans for mysterious or otherwise illogical reasons.
Read MoreDr. K got honest about his experiences with video game addiction, admitting he had a problem and had to reevaluate his life in order to solve it.
Read MoreIn "Halo Infinite," being familiar with every weapon in the game is important -- and you might want to know which weapons are the best.
Read MoreThe Scorpion Gun kills most things in Halo Infinite easily and quickly, but it's difficult to find. Here's where to get it and how to use it.
Read MoreSpider-Man's Web Shooters are getting nerfed in Fortnite, after many fans complained that they were overpowered. Here's when players can expect the change.
Read MorePlayStation 5 owners suspect that Sony could be introducing improved backwards compatibility soon, but right now there's no way to know for sure.
Read MoreAmong the 18 Operators in "Rainbow Six: Extraction," some perform better than others.
Read MoreNew reports suggest that Warzone 2 is coming sooner rather than later, but the announcement doesn't answer fans' questions about the future of the series.
Read MoreBefore you rage quit another "Warzone" match after being sighted and shot through a wall, cool down by taking a look at the biggest cheating scandals in "Call of Duty" history.
Read MoreIn Rainbow Six Extraction players can lose operators when they go MIA . What happens when operators go MIA and how can players revive them?
Read MoreLevelling up quickly in Rainbow Six Extraction is key to succeeding in the game. Here are some tips on how to level up effectively.
Read MoreMinecraft is a beloved adventure building sim that fans still find joy in years after its release. Here are 35 more games to scratch that Minecraft itch.
Read MoreStreet Fighter's production faced many obstacles, including Raul Julia's terminal stomach cancer, which he battled on set.
Read MoreNow prospective "Elden Ring" players have a clear idea of how much time they can expect to spend in the Tarnished's armored boots.
Read MoreMicrosoft may soon have to deal with Raven HQ's move to independently unionize its studio. Microsoft has remained vague on the topic.
Read MoreHalf of Rainbow Six: Extraction's Operators must be unlocked over time in the game, with the first available Operator being the aptly-named IQ.
Read MorePhil Spencer has assured fans that Call of Duty will remain on the PlayStation. Some are still worried that the series might eventually become Xbox exclusive.
Read MoreXbox's Phil Spencer has listed off the companies in gaming that he personally trusts to make the right decisions for the gaming medium going forward.
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