This Mistake Changed Metroid Forever
The Metroid series was changed thanks to a mistranslation performed in its infancy.
Read MoreThe Metroid series was changed thanks to a mistranslation performed in its infancy.
Read MoreHere's a look at some games you will never play, despite a ton of money being thrown their way.
Read MoreApex Legends is having a pretty successful season. Now, recently uncovered data seems to point to a fan favorite character skin making its triumphant return to Apex Legends. That's right; those of you who missed out on Wraith's awesome Voidwalker skin may get a second chance in the very near future.
Read MoreOn some occasions, a video game fails with such ferocity that it ends the development house that made it.
Read MoreA recent survey looked at the popularity of different brands in the video game industry, which may tell us what we can expect from next-gen consoles.
Read MoreSomehow, the Splash move has influenced the Pokemon community and gameplay for years — a legacy you can trace back to a single translation error.
Read MoreSome folks have expressed frustration with how random some of the events in Animal Crossing: New Horizons can be, particularly when it comes to things like weather events and meteor showers. Now, it turns out there's a way for detail-oriented gamers to actually plan ahead for some particular events.
Read MoreLet's take a look at some players who caught the business end of a Fortnite ban, and what they've been doing since.
Read MoreWhy can't parents comprehend what goes on in video games? Whatever the cause, here are some key concepts parents just can't seem to grasp about gaming.
Read MoreYou have to earn the parts to make an umbrella in Fortnite Chapter 2 season 3. Here's how to do just that.
Read MoreJoy-Con drift has been a sore subject for Switch customers, driving some to join a class-action lawsuit against the company. Now, after years of trying to address the problem quietly, Nintendo has finally offered a mea culpa.
Read MoreYou can't just use a Rytec AMR out of the gate: you need to prove your worth before you're allowed to claim the weapon. Here's what you need to do.
Read MorePokemon Unite was only announced just a few days ago, but it's already proving to be an insanely divisive game among the Pokemon fan community. It also seemingly led to a bit of a social media scandal. It appears as though the official Pokemon Youtube channel is taking a fishy approach to criticism.
Read MoreThere's a definitely yearning out there for more of this title. So, why has there never been a follow-up to Super Mario Sunshine?
Read MoreWhen will Pokemon Unite release, and what gameplay and characters will it feature? Find out here.
Read MoreAvatar: The Last Airbender is seeing something of a resurgence in fan culture recently. The series was finally added to Netflix last month, which allowed fans to revisit the series and for new viewers to discover it for the first time ever. Now, Avatar is making a return to the world of video games.
Read MoreYou might not recall Final Fantasy 7's large assortment of creepy moments, including sinister villains and horror-inducing monsters. Final Fantasy 7 Remake has reintroduced these frightening elements and even added a few more.
Read MoreNintendo's riding high these days. The huge success of the Switch has launched the gaming company back into the spotlight, and a number of massively popular games have again cemented Nintendo as one of the Big Three of console gaming. One area Nintendo doesn't seem as hot on now, however, is mobile.
Read MoreYou can't obtain the Aquaman skin unless you jump through hoops, some of which are on fire. This skin is locked behind special Aquaman Challenges. Here's how to complete them all so you can charge into battle as the king of the seas.
Read MoreWhether they're jumping out of their seats with anger or elation, even the most high-ranking pro gamers have found themselves losing their minds at the results of their tournament matches. Here are some of the most iconic examples of professional gamers who absolutely lost it at tournaments.
Read MoreOne of the rarest and most valuable Pokemon trading cards in the world has just been lost. Needless to say, the owner isn't happy about it one bit. Lee Seinfeld, a.k.a. "Leonheart," is a YouTuber who focuses on curating his Pokemon card collection. He recently found an original 1st Edition Charizard
Read MoreNot all characters in Mortal Kombat feature cheap attacks, but if you encounter a player who uses a character on this list, odds are you also will come face to fist with broken mechanics.
Read MoreHere's a look at some of the things that were not necessarily revealed by Epic Games that seem like they'll be hugely influential in Season 3 of Fortnite: Chapter 2.
Read MoreYour landing spot can decide your fate within Fortnite's battle royale, so you're going to want to choose carefully in Chapter 2 - Season 3.
Read MoreThe internet has been aflame with claims that another Harry Potter game is on the way, thanks to some newly registered domain names.
Read MoreGame Freak has thrown players a small bone with a few legendaries in The Isle of Armor. Here's what you need to know to catch 'em all.
Read MoreIf you play through this series, you're sure to find many new favorites. However, just as in real life, there will be some figures you simply cannot stand. Here are the characters everyone hates in Grand Theft Auto
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