RIP Fortnite Chapter 2
Fortnite will soon end its lengthy Season 2, opening up a new chapter in the game's history. Fans don't know much, but a teaser trailer has them curious.
Read MoreFortnite will soon end its lengthy Season 2, opening up a new chapter in the game's history. Fans don't know much, but a teaser trailer has them curious.
Read MoreCouRage used to cast for Epic Games, but hasn't in a while. Here's the truth of why he was fired from casting Fortnite events and how he feels about it.
Read MoreEpic Games has removed Travis Scott's "Out West" dance emote from "Fortnite."
Read MoreFortnite will soon shut down in China, where restrictive gaming laws have prohibited its main player base from engaging with the game. RIP, battle royale fun.
Read MoreAmong Us developers Innersloth revealed a new Imposter role that will change the game forever: the Shapeshifter.
Read MoreLebron James' production company SpringHill will take part in some upcoming project for Fortnite, considering that it's now working with Epic games.
Read MoreThere are a few reasons why a move into film and television could make total sense on Epic's part.
Read MoreEpic Games has finally admitted that the mega-popular "Among Us" inspired the Imposters game mode in "Fortnite."
Read MoreFortnite always has unique cosmetic collaborations, but a new Rick Grimes skin from the walking dead has fans divided, even though he's in time for Halloween.
Read MoreFortnite might be bringing back Mechs, a controversial decision many gamers simply aren't happy about. The mechs could be different from the previous BRUTES.
Read MoreNetflix just acquired Night School Studios, the developers behind Oxenfree. this could be a hint at what's ahead for the gaming side of Netflix.
Read MoreEpic contacted Apple about reinstating its developer account, but it may be a long time before Fortnite is back in the App Store.
Read MoreFornite introduced new Balenciaga designed skins into the game, with a line of clothes in real life, too. However, the pieces cost over $13,000 in total.
Read MoreAt least one fan of "Genshin Impact" is suing developer miHoYo over one of the popular title's recent character releases.
Read MoreOne indie developer made a fighting game that's themed around Among Us, the popular game from Innersloth. The game can't be sold for money, but is exciting.
Read MoreFans feel mixed on the new season of Fortnite. While the map seems unchanged, new skins could add depth for fans. Here are the best and worst parts.
Read MoreStable Ronaldo, a Fortnite streamer, claimed that he's being stalked by an epic employee, although he offered no proof. He discussed the issue on a podcast.
Read MorePokemon Go developer Niantic has reported back on the findings of its investigation into the community's needs. It promises to communicate better in the future.
Read MorePlayerUnknown, the creator of PUBG, just left Krafton after years of work with the company. PlayerUnknown will stay in Amsterdam to work on new projects.
Read MorePokemon Go announced that it would reimplement increased distances for gyms and Pokestops, which originated in 2020 in response to the pandemic. Fans reacted.
Read MoreSVG sat down with LazarBeam to talk about being the kind of gamer who lives off of breaking his favorite games.
Read MoreSomething seems a little sus about the new gameplay mode in "Fortnite," and "Among Us" developers aren't impressed.
Read More"Fortnite'' allegedly decided to mess with dataminers earlier this year by planting the ultimate red herring in its game files.
Read MoreThe "PUBG" franchise is going through a bit of a rebranding phase, which has led to the series' acronym taking a more prominent spot in individual titles.
Read MoreNiantic responded to fans after walking back recent changes to Pokemon Go. The developer claimed it would construct a team to review fan complaints.
Read MoreColopl created "Shironeko Project" with a vision of a one-handed mobile game. Unfortunately, this concept overstepped a boundary on one of Nintendo's patents.
Read MoreToo many cheaters can easily ruin a game, but does "Pokemon Go" fall into this category?
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