Old School Words Today's Gamers Won't Understand
Crack open your dictionaries, kids. These are the gaming terms your parents know, but you probably don't.
Read MoreCrack open your dictionaries, kids. These are the gaming terms your parents know, but you probably don't.
Read MoreHere are some of the most humiliating achievements you'd probably rather delete than actually show any of your friends.
Read MoreJust because the villain's been vanquished doesn't mean there isn't more evil to fight. Some optional bosses are way cooler than the final boss.
Read MoreSome games are simply too weird, too bizarre, too dirty, too rude, or just too terrible to play in front of your loved ones. These are those games.
Read MoreSome of them are pretty good; some of them are pretty great; and one of them is the biggest game in the world. Not that you'd ever know by checking MetaCritic.
Read MoreHere are some of the goofier gaming moments that didn't engross gamers so much as make them chuckle with pity.
Read MoreSome games go further and put us face to face with big, epic, story-defining choices. Your decision makes all the difference.
Read MoreEver since a giant gorilla first threw a flaming barrel at an adventurous plumber and a very hungry circle was haunted by ghosts, video games have been weird.
Read MoreWe may not get to play these games for a few years, but we're already leaving space for them in future Game of the Year lists.
Read MoreWhen it comes to these video game endings, be ready to be mad, disappointed, and confused. They're the worst. Ever.
Read MoreHere are some cutscenes that didn't look to great to begin with--and look even worse now.
Read MoreInstead of giving you a good time, some games make you feel like garbage. No thanks.
Read MoreFrom the earliest days of the 8-bit console wars to today's blockbuster titles, these memories unified gamers in the best ways.
Read MoreLet's be honest: playing a hero whose sole purpose in life is to defeat the evil supervillain gets a little boring. We're looking at you, Mario.
Read MoreLet's get you leveled up with a look at some RPGs you'll definitely want to summon in 2018
Read MoreAll of these video games certainly deserve sequels. Too bad they'll probably never get one.
Read MoreEaster eggs, or clues of a shared universe? Sometimes they're both. Let's take a closer look at some video game universes with startling connections.
Read MoreWe haven't heard much from the outgoing developer lately, which makes us wonder — what's CliffyB been up to?
Read MoreEven great games are prone to stumbling at the finish line, which threatens to just straight-up sucks the fun out of the whole thing.
Read MoreSome crowdfunded video games never see the light of day. Others are scams. And some...well...just plain stink.
Read MoreAsking Link to find the treasure by squeezing through the tiny hole is going too far. Turns out, that's just where we get started. Yikes.
Read MoreWe all know the stories of the Sega Dreamcast and the Nintendo Wii U, but there are plenty of other bizarre hardware disasters worth exploring.
Read MoreNot all follow-ups are created equal. Here are some of the most disappointing video game sequels.
Read MoreCritics don't always get it right, and these overlooked gaming gems are replayable proof.
Read MoreThere's nothing worse than slogging through a game just to arrive at an ending that disappoints in every way.
Read MoreSorry, developers. We know you tried. But these are the worst games of 2017. Better luck next time!
Read MoreWe think it would be pretty cool to find ourselves in a hot new game, but that's not how the people on this list reacted.
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