16 Games That Will Blow You Away In Fall 2018
With so much good stuff on tap, the question isn't which games you're going to play. It's what you're going to play first.
Read MoreWith so much good stuff on tap, the question isn't which games you're going to play. It's what you're going to play first.
Read MoreRegardless of which side you're on, we think everyone can agree that some DLC goes way too far. And it's the crazier types of DLC we want to take a look at today. Below, you'll find a slew of video game extras that cross the line from being reasonable into the realm of being absolutely bonkers.
Read MoreWith this piece, we're going to examine all the heavy-hitters that were nowhere to be found at E3 2018. Every title and franchise on this list failed to make an appearance at E3, much to the chagrin of entitled and expectant fans everywhere.
Read MoreThese games may not be tomorrow's big blockbusters, but they're still worth your attention, especially if you're craving something off of the beaten path.
Read MoreBe it a franchise that didn't make it to this year's showfloor or a surprise announcement that we're over the moon about, all the best and worst moments of E3 2018 are down below, succinctly summarized to keep you in the loop on the most important hot-off-the-press E3 gaming news.
Read MoreIt's hard to picture the gaming world without the following stars, but if things had gone differently, we wouldn't have any of them.
Read MoreWe've assembled a list of some of the more violent gun games released in the past few generations. If you're a fan of bloodshed, you may want to put these titles on your to-play list.
Read MoreGames are now more popular than ever, but with all that competition to face, a new title really needs to stand out from the crowd. Here are a few times when "standing out" meant stretching the truth just a little bit too far.
Read MoreWhether you're not picking up on the context to understand how one game ties into another, or you're lacking the knowledge of earlier works, it may come as a shock to you when you realize the game you're playing is actually part of a larger series.
Read MoreThere are tons of characters who've fallen by the wayside in recent years -- They may still have their fans, but the phone just isn't ringing.
Read MoreIn a world flush with AAA studios pumping out reliable megafranchises, what made a little mod and its follow-ups such a phenomenon? From fortuitous timing to solid design decisions, there are a lot of good reasons why the battle royale genre now reigns supreme.
Read MoreElder Scrolls games each have their darker sides, including the handful of salacious story fragments and adult insinuations that lurk beneath the surface of gameplay and narrative. We're taking a quick look at a few things in the Elder Scrolls series you only notice as an adult.
Read MoreFrom the household names who should've had their games already to obscure but awesome heroes who could put a new spin on ideas that don't seem to work for mere mortals, here are the superheroes who deserve their own video games.
Read MoreYes, even the 800-pound gorilla of FPS has had some stumbles. Some of these were largely kept out of the public eye; others remain all-too-well-remembered.
Read MoreWe're not talking about the slow, creeping moments that crawl under your skin, but the instances of shock and awe that will have you jumping out of your seat.
Read MoreThere's far more to Mortal Kombat than what lies on the surface. There are countless stories about the property that you might not have read in your favorite game magazine or heard about on the news. These tales look more closely at how Mortal Kombat came to be.
Read MoreIf you're a Star Wars fan, the following video game moments will give you what you crave. Fire 'em up, strap in, and enjoy the ride.
Read MoreHe had over 2 million YouTube subscribers, and built up a loyal and devoted following by both talking about and playing video games. But he was also a lightning rod of controversy throughout his career. Below, we dig deep into the untold truth of TotalBiscuit.
Read MoreThese are the issues that can sink a developer's reputation.
Read MoreIn our leaps forward, we've lost some things, and the newest generation of consoles just can't replicate the unique qualities of the older ones.
Read MoreThere are some speedrun records that seem destined to stand the test of time. You never want to say never, but here are ten records that seem unbreakable.
Read MoreSome developers strive to ruin your evening by paralyzing you with fear. If you want a good night's sleep, here are titles you should avoid before lights-out.
Read MoreIf any of these things has ever happened to you as a gamer, take comfort in knowing that you're not alone in the struggle.
Read MoreThere are still some games out there that you might be better off enjoying on your own.
Read MoreWith over 30 years of history and close to 100 games to its name, Final Fantasy has a little bit of something for everyone.
Read MoreRomantic games are overlooked in gaming, which is sad. If you want to exercise your shipping muscles, these games are some of the most romantic you will find.
Read MoreBioWare and their parent company Electronic Arts are bound to do another Mass Effect at some point. Here's why EA won't release another Mass Effect game yet.
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