Confusing Horror Game Endings Explained
Sometimes, once the end of the game is reached, there is no obvious answer. Or if there is, it is not immediately recognizable without some more research.
Read MoreSometimes, once the end of the game is reached, there is no obvious answer. Or if there is, it is not immediately recognizable without some more research.
Read MoreFrom titles that stirred up outrage to legal issues that caused titles to be recalled, here are the video games that were banned in the good ol' USA.
Read MoreSome of these games come from celebrated franchises. But they're not generating as much interest as the big AAA games, and it's not looking like they will.
Read MoreFor every Tom Hanks or Meryl Streep in Hollywood, there's a Nolan North or Ashly Burch in video games working tirelessly to tell incredible stories.
Read MoreEven if you're aware of DanTDM and have followed his content, there are a whole host of facts about this famous YouTuber that aren't well known.
Read MoreThere are a number of good reasons why Marvel might not get Wolverine back out on the hunt. Be it his past history with video games, the character's absence from the big screen, or a whole host of other issues, Marvel will likely keep the clawed mutant out of the video game circuit, maybe for good.
Read MoreWe're taking a look at some video game secrets that stayed hidden for years at a time.
Read MoreWe look at some people who got into trouble for taking their gaming lives a bit too far. Their stories range from the comic to the tragic, but they all have one thing in common: they very much needed a "get out of jail free" card to translate into the real world.
Read MoreHere are the mysteries that we can't wait to see solved, but be warned: in Fortnite, every answer leads to more questions. The rabbit hole is very, very deep.
Read MoreVideo game flops are straight-up failures. They're the consoles that barely register and leave no impact. And they're games that suck so badly that they're unplayable. They're the worst of what's ever happened in gaming, and shining examples of what companies shouldn't do if they want to succeed.
Read MoreThis August promises to be one of the biggest yet: hunters make their way into the wild to hunt down the fiercest monsters they can find.
Read MoreIf you play a lot of video games, you absolutely know the following characters - but going by their early designs, you'd barely recognize 'em.
Read MoreFans have stuck by Max Payne, their damaged anti-hero. There have been three Max Payne entries, and fans want another. Unfortunately, it's not going to happen.
Read MoreWe've traced the bloodline of the franchise all the way from its lowest points to the dizzying heights of an inverted castle. Here's every Castlevania ranked!
Read MoreIThere are worse ways to spend your time than hanging out with Cyberpunk's netrunners, rockerboys, corporations, and its vast arrays of cutting-edge hardware.
Read MoreIf your only experience with the Witcher series comes from the games, then you've come to the right place. Here are some of the lesser-known aspects of The Witcher.
Read MoreNow that Electronic Arts has the exclusive rights to make Star Wars games, it's unlikely Obsidian will ever get a shot at another sequel.
Read MoreFortnite's Easter eggs run the gambit in terms of what they accomplish. You'll find a smattering of these secrets below, documented along with our best guess as to what exactly they could mean.
Read MoreThere are a plethora of indie games that went on to see massive success despite the fact that they were built off the backs and hopes of very small teams.
Read MoreBy the time you reach the bottom of the list, you'll know some things a lot of Shroud fans don't. And you'll be able to unofficially call yourself his biggest fan.
Read MoreWhile some of these games have made appearances, others are still shrouded in mystery. Oh, they're coming.
Read MoreBelow, you'll find a collection of untold truths, which cover Summit1g's triumphs, failures, and missteps. By the end, you'll know even more about the player that's been lighting up the Twitch charts and making a name for himself outside of professional gaming.
Read MoreExperiencing everything through the eyes of the protagonist has made for some incredible moments in the past, and there's no shortage of them heading our way.
Read MoreEver since Superman arrived on Atari 2600 in 1979, superhero games have been a big part of the industry.
Read MoreKeen to clear up the haze of speculation and assuage any fears, Bethesda has quickly offered up a bevy of information. You may very well know about the multiplayer and the huge West Virginian map, but here's a list of details you might have missed about Fallout 76.
Read MoreIn a year that's already full of fantastic games, the ones we've listed here let us down, and we're calling them out. These are the worst games of 2018 so far.
Read MoreIf you overlooked the following titles, maybe try them again. Who knows? Like they say, every game is somebody's favorite. Maybe one of these is yours.
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