• All Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Rumors Leaked So Far

    We don't know much about Jedi: Fallen Order, but there are plenty of rumors making their way around the internet. Below, we've compiled all the unconfirmed details we've heard about the game. As always, take them with a grain of salt.

    By John Saavedra Read More
  • The Most Expensive Skins In Gaming History

    While most skins in games come at a relatively affordable cost, not all of them are equal, especially when a developer is okay with people spending real currency on them. The sheer insanity of these games' secondary markets warrants an in-depth look into gaming's most expensive skins.

    By Cody Gravelle Read More
  • What Really Went Wrong At Telltale

    On September 21, 2018, Telltale employees were informed that they no longer had jobs, they would not be paid any sort of severance, and they had 30 minutes to leave the building. It was an ignominious end to one of the most respected developers on the planet, but, sadly, it also wasn't a surprise.

    By Justin Clark Read More
  • Why The Future Of Fortnite May Blow You Away

    Changes are brewing behind the scenes at Epic Games. The studio doesn't want the Fortnite fad to fade, and it's doing everything it can to keep the madness going. That means adding new features and experimenting with the Fortnite formula. The future of Fortnite may blow you away. Here's why.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Creepiest Things Found In The Elder Scrolls Series

    The darkest corners of Tamriel are waiting to snatch you up, whether it be in one of Morrowind's many crypts or the most haunted house in Skyrim. You could also bear witness to dark rituals and even cannibalism. These are the creepiest things you'll find in The Elder Scrolls series ...

    By John Saavedra Read More
  • Most Impressive Fortnite Records

    Fortnite is nothing short of a phenomenon. Whether it's the number of people tuning in to watch someone survive Anarchy Acres or it's a gunshot heard 'round the world, Fortnite just can't stop setting the bar. Here's our compilation of the most impressive records in Fortnite.

    By Cody Gravelle Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of Rocket League

    Imagine if you took the sport of soccer, made the field smaller, and gave players the ability to blow each other up without penalty. That is Rocket League.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Most Terrible Things Princess Zelda Has Ever Done

    The owner of the Triforce of Wisdom, Princess Zelda, makes some rather poor and downright ignorant decisions that can -- and have -- cost people their lives. Here is a list showcasing some of the most terrible things Princess Zelda has ever done.

    By Riley Little Read More
  • Fortnite Glitches You Need To See

    It's simply impossible for Fortnite's developers to keep up with their own juggernaut. So no one can fault them for the glitches that have slipped through the cracks in this game. Here we have Fortnite glitches that are both hilarious, and oftentimes advantageous, to those who stumble upon them.

    By Shannen Camp Read More
  • The Best Sports Video Games You've Never Played

    Some of the best games in the sports genre offer a unique twist to subvert our expectations. While the giants continue to dominate sales figures, there's no reason not to dig a little bit deeper and uncover some of the hidden gems of a genre that has been producing quality entertainment for decades.

    By Cody Gravelle Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of Fortnite Coaches

    You've probably seen the stories about Fortnite coaches on your local news network as the anchors all say, "My kid can't stop playing that game!" But the info you've gotten so far has likely just scratched the surface. There's a lot more to the Fortnite coaches that are popping up all over.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • The Shady Side Of E3

    Beneath that endearing facade, however, is an expo that has lied to you, deceived you, and even endangered you. E3 isn't just gaming's cultural Mecca, it's also the industry's worst nightmare. Get ready to find out how E3 has betrayed gamers and evolved into the industry's shadiest showcase.

    By Robert Carnevale Read More
  • The Most Messed Up Things In Sonic Games

    The blue blur's never been totally kid-friendly. Get ready for a trip down memory lane as we revisit the highlights of Sonic and co.'s most messed up moments.

    By Robert Carnevale Read More
  • The Most Disturbing Parts Of Overwatch

    There's a dark side to Overwatch, and it goes beyond the horror of the Omnic Crisis. Even the smiliest of characters have disturbing skeletons hidden away in their pasts.

    By Daley Wilhelm Read More