• Destiny 2's Forsaken Will Soon Include Older DLCs

    Destiny 2: Forsaken has received rave reviews thus far, but players coming back to the game have been confused by the expansion's price tag and requirements. Fortunately, Bungie is clearing things up beginning next week.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Star Citizen's New Trailer Is Full Of Hollywood Stars

    If you enjoy seeing popular actors and actresses in video games, you likely won't be disappointed in the single-player campaign the Star Citizen team is currently working on. In a new trailer, Star Citizen's standalone Squadron 42 release includes appearances from major television and film stars.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • The Rarest Skins In League Of Legends

    To obtain some of the skins listed here, League of Legends players would have to strain their wallets, patience, and perhaps benefit from a time machine, because some of these super rare skins were only awarded to the most OG of players who have been with the game since the beginning.

    By Daley Wilhelm Read More
  • The Scariest Real-Life Moments For Twitch Streamers

    We've assembled a list of Twitch stars who've endured some real-life scary moments. Some have come at the hands of fans. Some as a result of trolls. Let them be a lesson that it doesn't matter what kind of screen you make your living on. If you're well known enough, you can become a target.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Here's What You'll Find In Destiny 2's Halloween Event

    Destiny's Festival of the Lost debuted all the way back in 2015. It's been a fixture ever since, providing Guardians with a Halloween-themed intermission between content expansions. This year, Festival of the Lost returns with a few more tricks up its sleeve.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Fortnite: Battle Royale's New Mode Is All About Dancing

    Epic Games dropped a patch for Fortnite today that added a few new weapons and tweaked the drop rates on some existing in-game items. But those changes pale in comparison to the brand new mode -- because it finally gives you a legitimate reason to use all of those emotes you've been collecting.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Next-Gen Consoles Could Arrive As Early As 2019

    According to a job posting, Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward is looking for someone to help work on what it calls "an exciting, unannounced next-gen title." What makes this post interesting is that many believe we won't see a new PlayStation or Xbox until 2020.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Bizarre Things Developers Accidentally Left In Games

    Video game code is full of pieces of the past. Over the years, players have located the following digital artifacts hidden inside their favorite games. It's pretty easy to see how they got there, but we're not sure why many of them exist in the first place. Look, people: video games are weird.

    By Christopher Gates Read More
  • RPGs That Will Blow You Away In 2019

    While we still have a few more months of gigantic releases coming in 2018, gamers looking further into the future might have already realized that 2019 is poised to be another stellar year for RPG fans. We've compiled a list of the most tantalizing RPGs that will blow you away in 2019.

    By Cody Gravelle Read More
  • Sony All But Confirms Next-Gen PlayStation Hardware

    Those concerned about the future of video game consoles need not worry. Months after Microsoft's Phil Spencer confirmed his company was working on next-gen Xbox hardware, Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida has all but done the same for the PlayStation brand. Yes: the console wars will rage on.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Why Left 4 Dead 3 Will Never Happen

    Left 4 Dead was originally planned as a mod for Counter-Strike, but released as a standalone in 2008. Unfortunately, we've not heard much about the series since the sequel in 2009. Will Left 4 Dead 3 ever arrive? Here are a few reasons Valve will probably never return to the franchise.

    By John Saavedra Read More
  • Microsoft's Project xCloud: Xbox Game Streaming Arrives

    For several years, Microsoft has forgone the kind of game streaming Sony has embraced, instead choosing to focus on Xbox Game Pass. That changed today, as Microsoft officially pulled back the curtain on Project xCloud, which enables game streaming on consoles, PCs, and mobile devices.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Harry Potter: Leaked RPG Footage Looks Incredible

    In the world of licensed video games, no fans may be more tortured than those of the Harry Potter series. But salvation may soon be coming, as leaked footage of a still-unannounced Harry Potter title has made its way online. And dare we say: it actually looks pretty good.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Why Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 4 Will Never Happen

    While LucasArts' days may be over, there's no doubt that the company created some of the greatest Star Wars ever made. One of their highs was the Rogue Squadron series, which put you in the cockpit of an X-wing. But we've not heard a peep from the series in 15 years. Here's why.

    By John Saavedra Read More
  • What Other Games Can Learn From Fortnite

    Whether you're a fan of Fortnite or exhausted of hearing the game's name, it's impossible to deny that it has had an immense impact on the gaming industry. Here are some of the interesting strategies, ideas, and concepts other games, developers, and publishers can learn from Epic Games' Fortnite.

    By Robert Carnevale Read More
  • Every Fallout Game Ranked

    It's a testament to the quality of the Fallout series that its entire roster of games, save one notable dud, are all in contention for being the best the franchise has to offer. Here's our purely subjective take on every single Fallout game, ranked in order of worst to best.

    By Cody Gravelle Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of Battle Royale Games

    Face it. If you play games in the late '10s, you're going to run across a battle royale title. Where did the genre come from? What does the future hold? Why are these games so dang popular? The answers to these questions aren't always as straightforward as you think, so read on.

    By Christopher Gates Read More