Reasons You Should Never Preorder A Game
We've put together an entire list of reasons why you should never preorder the games you buy. Read it, soak it all in, and revel in the newfound power you have as a gamer and as a consumer.
Read MoreWe've put together an entire list of reasons why you should never preorder the games you buy. Read it, soak it all in, and revel in the newfound power you have as a gamer and as a consumer.
Read MoreFrom the original Gen 1 starters all the way down to the Alolan trinity, here's every single starter Pokémon ranked from worst to best!
Read MoreWe've compiled a list of both the good and bad that the Xbox team put on display at E3.
Read MoreLet's delve into the depths of Riot's money-maker and dig up just what makes League of Legends such a huge player in the world of gaming.
Read MoreWe've assembled a list of some of the more violent gun games released in the past few generations. If you're a fan of bloodshed, you may want to put these titles on your to-play list.
Read MoreGames are now more popular than ever, but with all that competition to face, a new title really needs to stand out from the crowd. Here are a few times when "standing out" meant stretching the truth just a little bit too far.
Read MoreWhether you're not picking up on the context to understand how one game ties into another, or you're lacking the knowledge of earlier works, it may come as a shock to you when you realize the game you're playing is actually part of a larger series.
Read MoreThere are tons of characters who've fallen by the wayside in recent years -- They may still have their fans, but the phone just isn't ringing.
Read MoreIn a world flush with AAA studios pumping out reliable megafranchises, what made a little mod and its follow-ups such a phenomenon? From fortuitous timing to solid design decisions, there are a lot of good reasons why the battle royale genre now reigns supreme.
Read MoreElder Scrolls games each have their darker sides, including the handful of salacious story fragments and adult insinuations that lurk beneath the surface of gameplay and narrative. We're taking a quick look at a few things in the Elder Scrolls series you only notice as an adult.
Read MoreFrom the household names who should've had their games already to obscure but awesome heroes who could put a new spin on ideas that don't seem to work for mere mortals, here are the superheroes who deserve their own video games.
Read MoreThe truth is, we know very little about Mario and Peach's actual relationship
Read MoreSit back, relax, and check out this small glimpse of everything that RuneScape has to offer. You'll never overlook it again.
Read MoreYes, even the 800-pound gorilla of FPS has had some stumbles. Some of these were largely kept out of the public eye; others remain all-too-well-remembered.
Read MoreLet's dive into some of the lesser known facts about this beloved franchise, and see what really makes Pikachu and the rest of the pocket monster crew tick.
Read MoreWe've assembled a list of the best PlayStation 4 games you can buy for less than $5.
Read MoreIt's a tough call, but we've set up our own version of Final Destination (No Items, Fox Only) to see which Smash title reigns supreme. Here they are, ranked from worst to best!
Read MoreWe're not talking about the slow, creeping moments that crawl under your skin, but the instances of shock and awe that will have you jumping out of your seat.
Read MoreHow did Microsoft, following the success of the Xbox 360 just a generation before, manage to mishandle the Xbox One and squander its position in the market? We've looked hard at both the past and present to solve the puzzle, and we believe we've cracked the code.
Read MoreThere's far more to Mortal Kombat than what lies on the surface. There are countless stories about the property that you might not have read in your favorite game magazine or heard about on the news. These tales look more closely at how Mortal Kombat came to be.
Read MoreIf you're a Star Wars fan, the following video game moments will give you what you crave. Fire 'em up, strap in, and enjoy the ride.
Read MoreThrough all that creative chaos, mistakes are going to happen — and sometimes they can cause some serious lasting damage to the game's development, or the studio's reputation. And then there are the big bombs, the jaw dropping screw-ups that somebody, somewhere, is going to have to pay for.
Read MoreHe had over 2 million YouTube subscribers, and built up a loyal and devoted following by both talking about and playing video games. But he was also a lightning rod of controversy throughout his career. Below, we dig deep into the untold truth of TotalBiscuit.
Read MoreOn the surface, World of Warcraft seems like a fairly bright, cheery game. However, there is some serious darkness lurking under the surface here. Let's delve into some of the more messed up aspects of World of Warcraft together. You'll never look at Azeroth the same way again.
Read MoreThese are the issues that can sink a developer's reputation.
Read MoreWe've decided to dig a bit into Tyler1's life and give you some little-known facts about one of the more talented LoL players in the world.
Read MoreIn our leaps forward, we've lost some things, and the newest generation of consoles just can't replicate the unique qualities of the older ones.
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