Every Grand Theft Auto Game Ranked
There's no way Grand Theft Auto is going anywhere soon. Let's rate the best of the series.
Read MoreThere's no way Grand Theft Auto is going anywhere soon. Let's rate the best of the series.
Read MoreTo obtain some of the skins listed here, League of Legends players would have to strain their wallets, patience, and perhaps benefit from a time machine, because some of these super rare skins were only awarded to the most OG of players who have been with the game since the beginning.
Read MoreWe've assembled a list of Twitch stars who've endured some real-life scary moments. Some have come at the hands of fans. Some as a result of trolls. Let them be a lesson that it doesn't matter what kind of screen you make your living on. If you're well known enough, you can become a target.
Read MoreVideo game code is full of pieces of the past. Over the years, players have located the following digital artifacts hidden inside their favorite games. It's pretty easy to see how they got there, but we're not sure why many of them exist in the first place. Look, people: video games are weird.
Read MoreWhile we still have a few more months of gigantic releases coming in 2018, gamers looking further into the future might have already realized that 2019 is poised to be another stellar year for RPG fans. We've compiled a list of the most tantalizing RPGs that will blow you away in 2019.
Read MoreLeft 4 Dead was originally planned as a mod for Counter-Strike, but released as a standalone in 2008. Unfortunately, we've not heard much about the series since the sequel in 2009. Will Left 4 Dead 3 ever arrive? Here are a few reasons Valve will probably never return to the franchise.
Read MoreThis list compiles some of the more disturbing bits you'll find inside both Destiny and Destiny 2. Here are the creepiest things found in the Destiny games.
Read MoreWhile LucasArts' days may be over, there's no doubt that the company created some of the greatest Star Wars ever made. One of their highs was the Rogue Squadron series, which put you in the cockpit of an X-wing. But we've not heard a peep from the series in 15 years. Here's why.
Read MoreBe wary: the first taste might be free, but a serious Fortnite habit is very expensive.
Read MoreThe Star Wars: Battlefront games have suffered international loot box scandals, demanding sixty dollars for little content, and a slew of other gaming crimes.
Read MoreWhether you're a fan of Fortnite or exhausted of hearing the game's name, it's impossible to deny that it has had an immense impact on the gaming industry. Here are some of the interesting strategies, ideas, and concepts other games, developers, and publishers can learn from Epic Games' Fortnite.
Read MoreWhether you're searching for a galaxy far, far away or a futuristic adventure a bit closer to home, there are some science-fiction games headed our way.
Read MoreIt's a testament to the quality of the Fallout series that its entire roster of games, save one notable dud, are all in contention for being the best the franchise has to offer. Here's our purely subjective take on every single Fallout game, ranked in order of worst to best.
Read MoreEmotes inside Fortnite are inspired by all sorts of real-life sources, including popular dances or references to pop culture.
Read MoreGamers have been showcasing their creativity through amazing roller coasters. Of the hundreds of amazing Minecraft roller coasters, here are some of the best.
Read MoreIf Fortnite players are willing to pay the price, they can look fantastic in-game, while being broke IRL.
Read MoreIf you're a PC gamer, you are almost certainly a part of the stranglehold that Valve has on the industry. Since it was founded, it has practically taken over the market. Today, we're going to take a look at some of the things that not as many people know about Valve.
Read MoreFace it. If you play games in the late '10s, you're going to run across a battle royale title. Where did the genre come from? What does the future hold? Why are these games so dang popular? The answers to these questions aren't always as straightforward as you think, so read on.
Read MoreWe don't know much about Jedi: Fallen Order, but there are plenty of rumors making their way around the internet. Below, we've compiled all the unconfirmed details we've heard about the game. As always, take them with a grain of salt.
Read MoreWhile most skins in games come at a relatively affordable cost, not all of them are equal, especially when a developer is okay with people spending real currency on them. The sheer insanity of these games' secondary markets warrants an in-depth look into gaming's most expensive skins.
Read MoreWhen a single title is catapulted to become the face of gaming, all of the problems associated with gaming -- hardcore or casual -- come along with it. Fun as it is, the battle royale juggernaut has stirred up some serious ethical and legal battles in real life.
Read MoreOn September 21, 2018, Telltale employees were informed that they no longer had jobs, they would not be paid any sort of severance, and they had 30 minutes to leave the building. It was an ignominious end to one of the most respected developers on the planet, but, sadly, it also wasn't a surprise.
Read MoreChanges are brewing behind the scenes at Epic Games. The studio doesn't want the Fortnite fad to fade, and it's doing everything it can to keep the madness going. That means adding new features and experimenting with the Fortnite formula. The future of Fortnite may blow you away. Here's why.
Read MoreAmongst all the weapons you'll come across during your time playing Fortnite, only a select few stand alone as the most deadly in the game.
Read MoreThe darkest corners of Tamriel are waiting to snatch you up, whether it be in one of Morrowind's many crypts or the most haunted house in Skyrim. You could also bear witness to dark rituals and even cannibalism. These are the creepiest things you'll find in The Elder Scrolls series ...
Read MoreAh, Dota 2. Valve Software's biggest esports title regularly sits near the top of the Steam charts. We thought we'd take a look under the hood at some of the lesser known aspects of this massive MOBA, so read on. You're sure to discover something you didn't know about Dota 2.
Read MoreFortnite is nothing short of a phenomenon. Whether it's the number of people tuning in to watch someone survive Anarchy Acres or it's a gunshot heard 'round the world, Fortnite just can't stop setting the bar. Here's our compilation of the most impressive records in Fortnite.
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