• What Other Games Can Really Learn From Black Ops 4

    With Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, it seems that developer Treyarch has learned a few lessons about mistakes made in the past. That's a lesson quite a few other franchises could stand to learn from Call of Duty. Here are a few other things others games could learn from the latest Black Ops.

    By John Saavedra Read More
  • The Shady Side Of Activision

    Activision is all about pleasing its shareholders. And in order to keep that growth train chugging, the company has had to make some pretty seedy decisions. It's time you learn about them. This is the shady side of Activision.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Games That Trick You Into Being The Bad Guy

    Some games pull off a masterful bit of storytelling: they fool you into thinking you're saving the day before revealing the ugly truth. These games use a variety of techniques into deceiving the player into acting as the bad guy.

    By Jordan Baranowski Read More
  • False Facts About Overwatch You Thought Were True

    When a game gets as popular as Overwatch has, it's tempting to believe that it's all been figured out already. That simply isn't the case, however. Take a gander at our comprehensive list of false facts about Overwatch you thought were true.

    By Cody Gravelle Read More
  • What Other Games Can Learn From Minecraft

    Below, we'll detail some of the ways Minecraft turned the video game world on its ear, and how it continues to influence what games do to this day. And we'll tell you why other games need to sit up and take notice at what Minecraft has done and what it's doing.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • These Are The Funniest Weapons In Video Games

    There's a lot of questions developers have to ask themselves when it comes to designing a comedy weapon -- and the answers aren't always what they expected. Here's our collection of the pound-for-pound funniest weapons in video games.

    By Cody Gravelle Read More
  • Easter Eggs That Totally Backfired

    Easter eggs aren't perfect and neither are the people who make 'em, and occasionally they go bad. These ones certainly did. From out-of-date messages to hidden goodies that ended up costing studios millions, the following Easter eggs didn't deliver like their creators intended.

    By Christopher Gates Read More
  • Creepiest Things Found In Grand Theft Auto

    The Grand Theft Auto games reward exploration, encouraging players to go off the beaten path. They have served up big urban environments which feel vibrant, alive, and full of secrets. But some secrets are darker than others. These are the creepiest things you can find in GTA.

    By Sarah Szabo Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of Madden NFL

    It hasn't always been smooth sailing for Madden football games. Nor have the good times been boring. There's a whole lot of history regarding EA's football series that you're probably not aware of, and below, there's a chance you'll learn some things for the very first time.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • The Ending Of Minecraft Explained

    In a seemingly infinite open world where players get to tell their own stories, there is a finish line. It's fairly easy to achieve, depending on players' patience and skill. The capital-E End to Minecraft has a rich reward: a mystery that still has the internet baffled to this day.

    By Daley Wilhelm Read More
  • The Funniest Skins In Fortnite

    We've searched far and wide across Fortnite's extensive database of skins to find some of the funniest. They're the kind that you'd undoubtedly see in game, chuckle at, and instantly want for your own -- whether you're becoming an unapologetic hippie or dressing as a deranged gingerbread man.

    By Shawn Farner Read More
  • Twitch Stars Who Are Insanely Rich

    In the past few years, it's become apparent that if you've got the personality and drive, Twitch can be a lucrative source of income. The rewards can be huge. Here are ten Twitch streamers who show that hard work, gaming skills, and an entertaining personality can pay off big time.

    By Shannen Camp Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of Call Of Duty: Blackout

    The newest iteration of Call of Duty is jumping on the battle royale bandwagon. Black Ops 4's BR mode is called Blackout, and time will tell if it can cut into the crowded landscape of BR games and make some gains on the genre's royalty, PUBG and Fortnite.

    By Jordan Baranowski Read More
  • The 10 Most Epic Ninja Moments

    Like the game, Ninja's success seems to have happened overnight. Epic Games' epic win of a title has it all: a creative aesthetic, fun gameplay, and intense firefights. Ninja's popularity may be linked to how he brings out the best of Fortnite: he's having fun, but he's also good. Really good.

    By Daley Wilhelm Read More
  • Things CoD: Blackout Does Better Than Fortnite

    Games like Fortnite and PUBG have come in and made names for themselves. But the undisputed king of shooters, Call of Duty, has simply sat back and watched. But that time wasn't spent idling by. Instead, the team at Treyarch built a battle royale game that adds new twists to the genre.

    By Shawn Farner Read More