Why You May Never See Another Silent Hill Sequel
Silent Hill may still be one of the most beloved survival horror franchises in gaming, but here's why the hills may have gone silent forever.
Read MoreSilent Hill may still be one of the most beloved survival horror franchises in gaming, but here's why the hills may have gone silent forever.
Read MoreAs we reflect on a year of solid releases and compelling stories, we're taking a solemn look at some of the video game characters we sadly lost in 2018.
Read MoreWe all know the most famous families of video games. Today, however, we are looking at some of those lesser-known familial ties in our favorite video games.
Read MoreTwitch is quick to crack down on bad behavior, but not everything has been combed through.
Read MoreRockstar Games' Manhunt is lauded as a visceral examination of violence in media. But this probably isn't enough to set Rockstar to work on Manhunt 3.
Read MoreWith a public more than willing to exploit a game for fun and profit, it was inevitable that developers would take the opportunity to throw in Easter eggs, leave hidden messages, and introduce nightmares. A cheat code might take you places, they just might not be places you want to go.
Read MoreSome opening scenes so abysmal, their games have no chance of recovery. Plagued with bad acting, poor writing, and messy mechanics, they crash and burn before getting off the ground. Yet, for all their flaws, it's almost impossible to look away.
Read MoreWhile most players are pursuing platinum trophies in every game they own, there are a handful of achievements that you'd rather not tell your friends you obtained. In fact, there are times you may wish you could hide an achievement on your profile, just so that no one else knows what you had to do.
Read MoreOver the past two decades, lots of classic Nintendo characters were considered for inclusion in Smash Bros. Many of them didn't make the cut.
Read MoreIt's time we take a closer look at Warframe, how it started, and how it's managed to survive and grow all these years. After reading, who knows? You might come away with an appreciation for the large-yet-somehow-still-an-underdog studio behind the title.
Read MoreAmouranth started on Twitch making cosplay, but viewers stayed on for her flirtatious personality and for the stunning final results.
Read MoreIn typical Rockstar fashion, there are lots of references, Easter eggs, and unsolved mysteries hidden across the map. Players make new discoveries all the time.
Read MoreSure, these actions will earn you a handful trophies, but you'll also have to live with yourself afterwards.
Read MoreOne of the most beloved consoles of all time might not be in miniature form any time soon. Here's why, sadly, you may never see a Nintendo 64 Classic.
Read MoreIf you've stepped into Fortnite: Battle Royale at least a few times, there's a very good chance you've been on the wrong side of some laughter. Don't worry: we've been there, too. We can relate, which is why we've pieced together a list of embarrassing things we've all done in Fortnite.
Read MoreDespite its colossal world and twisted satire, Red Dead Redemption 2 is ultimately a story about people. Considering that most Red Dead vets knew what was going to happen to the Van der Linde gang from the events of the previous game, Rockstar still threw plenty of surprising curveballs our way.
Read MoreWhether you're a computer or console gamer, there's an RPG out there waiting for you to come along and revitalize it. From epic quests to chilling mysteries, here are the best RPGs you've never played.
Read MoreDespite the initial hesitancy from critics, it was still shocking to see just how poorly Fallout 76's launch went.
Read MoreFortnite is arguably the latest thing to catch on with a mainstream audience. You're starting to see Fortnite referenced in more and more places.
Read MoreBy the time we reach the end of 2019, the video game world will view Code Vein as one of the best RPG releases of the year.
Read MoreAll of Link's girlfriends in Zelda are royalty, powerful entrepreneurs, or heroes in their own right, and Link is actually a pretty terrible romantic interest.
Read MoreThe rise of LazarBeam is the tale of a young kid who stumbled upon what would ultimately become his full-time job while doing something else entirely.
Read MoreWe've rounded up this list to go over the series' most consistently underpowered characters, the most ineffectual in Smash Bros.' history. Though these characters might be fun to play as casually or linked to your favorite franchises, none of them hold up when scrutinized for real competitive play.
Read MoreDynamic difficulty is notoriously tough to get just right.
Read MoreUnfortunately, conflict seems to follow Super Smash Bros. long after the characters have left the stage.
Read MoreThere hasn't been a Prince of Persia game since 2010. Why is that? Why is Ubisoft seemingly leaving the Prince of Persia franchise behind?
Read MoreThere's no question that Epic Games' Fortnite is a video game phenomenon, and in the time since it launched, the game's popularity has only continued to grow. With such massive success and continuous updates, will Fortnite ever fade away? More importantly, what will be the game to replace it?
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