12 Things We Want In GTA 6
With Grand Theft Auto 6, Rockstar has a chance to reinvent up its flagship franchise.
Read MoreWith Grand Theft Auto 6, Rockstar has a chance to reinvent up its flagship franchise.
Read MoreIt's worth giving praise to the trailblazing characters who let LGBT folks see themselves in a whole new light: as heroes, storytellers, rebels, and sometimes just plain badasses. These are just a few of the best out and proud characters that players have met over the years.
Read MoreThe game dubbed The Avengers Project remains shrouded in mystery beyond that initial teaser. Fans are hellbent on learning more about the game.
Read MoreOver time, problems Bungie had with the Destiny series -- as well as problems Bungie had with Activision as a publisher -- seem to have played a role in the two calling it quits. We can't say for certain how the breakup will affect the two companies. But here, we dive deeper into what caused it.
Read MoreThere is no franchise, title, or studio that is safe from producing something that fans will be angry about.
Read MoreThe Grand Theft Auto series is by far Rockstar's biggest franchise. And you can find a host of GTA Easter eggs in games made by other companies, as well as other games made by Rockstar. Here are the GTA Easter eggs you missed in other games.
Read MoreAll of the limited-time modes that we've enjoyed so much have been just that: extremely limited. Perhaps Epic wants to keep experimenting and trying out different ideas with Fortnite's player base. But we think that there's a whole lot of love out there for what's already come and gone.
Read MoreThere have been some incredibly powerful characters in Overwatch's history, and Blizzard has had to nerf their effectiveness.
Read MoreRead on to receive a crash course in how games have bait-and-switched fans over the years.
Read MoreThere are "perfect" landing spots for everyone, based on their favorite way to play the game. There's definitely an ideal LZ for you somewhere on the map.
Read MoreWhile Rockstar is still getting mileage out of Grand Theft Auto Online, fans continue to clamor for clues about where the series is headed with GTA 6.
Read MoreAs a member of the Van der Linde gang, you see all sorts of things you can't forget in Red Dead Redemption 2.
Read MoreThe world of Skyrim is robust, but a great deal of lore lurks beneath the surface of this tale of Stormcloak rebellion and the rise of the last Dragonborn. We're shining a light on a few of those messed up things in Skyrim nobody talks about.
Read MoreHere are some enduring gaming myths and the truth behind them, which many gamers need to know: all of these myths are completely false.
Read MoreOverwatch players have shown, time and time again, that they love their skins -- the rarer the better.
Read MoreNow that Red Dead Redemption 2 has been out in the wild for several months, we decided to ask ourselves: what would we like to see in Red Dead Redemption 3? What could Rockstar do to improve upon what many considered to be one of the best video games of the year?
Read MoreGod of War has captured the hearts, minds, and spare time of many, but there is more to this game than meets the eye. It has layers. The concept of Kratos killing his way through a whole new pantheon may not seem complicated on the surface, but the Nine Realms are wide and full of secrets.
Read MoreSneaking in a few minutes of gameplay while waiting on a train or at a boring meeting is an under-appreciated luxury of the 21st century. Mobile gaming is big, expansive, with a game for every kind of player. As hard as it was to pick, here are some of our favorite mobile games of 2018.
Read MoreWhile many games now have graphic violence and explicit language, most games from a decade or two ago were aimed specifically at young gamers.
Read MoreThe PlayStation Classic was a disaster from the moment it launched. So what went wrong? As it turns out, there were a lot of reasons the PlayStation Classic might not have been the best direction for Sony to head in.
Read MoreFor all of the everyday things you'll see in Red Dead 2's take on the Wild West, you can also find some things that are definitely out of place. Ghosts. Vampires. Mutants. They're all here -- if you know where to look. Below, we'll tell you all about them.
Read MoreWhat's the difference between a casual Fortnite player, and one who plays a bit too much? There are many signs of Fortnite addiction, from knowing every dance move to swearing that you can hear chests whenever you enter a building in real life. This game has ways of seeping into your subconscious.
Read MoreWe have gathered up some of the biggest heartbreaking fakes in modern memory.
Read MoreIs it possible for everyone to be wrong? On one hand, Epic Games should have found a way to credit those who helped make a dance famous. On the other hand, those suing look like they're just trying to cash in while Fortnite is popular. It's gross all around, and it's probably not going to stop.
Read MoreIt takes a lot for a gaming YouTuber to stand out from the crowd. JonTron could easily make a claim as one of the most successful gaming YouTubers out there.
Read MoreAs far back as most of us can remember, the goal of video games has boiled down to one simple concept: don't die.
Read MoreYou can't play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for more than a minute without stumbling across some kind of Easter egg, allusion or reference.
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