World Of Warcraft: Shadowlands Release Date, Map And New Class
At BlizzCon 2019, we learned there is a new expansion coming to World of Warcraft. Called Shadowlands, this new expansion goes where no other has gone before.
Read MoreAt BlizzCon 2019, we learned there is a new expansion coming to World of Warcraft. Called Shadowlands, this new expansion goes where no other has gone before.
Read MoreYou don't need to go through The Outer Worlds alone. With all these companions to choose from, which ones are the best? Join us as we break each one down and determine who the best ones are.
Read MoreLet's take a field trip to some tucked-away corners of the Grand Theft Auto universe and figure out where these odd spots are, as well as the hidden meanings behind some of them. It's a weird world that Rockstar Games have created, and we're just scratching the surface.
Read MoreThe Last of Us has been called one of the greatest video games of its generation.
Read MoreWhen something is beloved enough to sell well and gain critical praise, it's only a matter of time before the imitators come along.
Read MoreIn 2019, 2K Sports released the latest entry in its wrestling franchise, WWE 2K20.
Read MoreWhen Blizzard oversteps, overreaches, or otherwise goofs up, the whole world sees it and takes note. These scandals have even caused players to abandon games.
Read MoreGrand Theft Auto 5 still continues to be a burden upon some parents. With that, we've compiled some of the more gruesome moments in the series that are sure to leave Mom and Dad all riled up over the controversy -- if they're not enjoying the game themselves, that is.
Read MoreFans had a lot to be excited for when the first Fortnite: Chapter 2 launched with a whole bunch of new skins to earn. But which skin is the rarest?
Read MoreSometimes the released game is simply badly made, but glossy advertising has built up an excited fanbase that will inevitably be disappointed. If it's a long-awaited sequel or a tie-in to a franchise that has a lot of love, it can still be seen as lacking when it turns out to be "just okay."
Read MoreWe've gathered all of the secret achievements and trophies for Red Dead Redemption 2 and explained how to get each and every one of them. Some of them are real doozies, and we have no idea how anyone would figure them out on their own.
Read MoreIf you want to fill out your collection of platinums without putting in too much work, here are the fastest PS4 platinum trophies that take no work at all.
Read MoreWith six different regions to explore, games to play, and champions to unlock, there's a lot to cover for Legends of Runeterra. So here is everything we know about the release date, cards, story, and platforms.
Read MoreRemaking games that might sell on nostalgia alone is a huge business, so plenty of obscure titles are getting caught up in the wave too. Today, we're looking through some of the upcoming remakes that might have flown under your radar.
Read MoreDon't get us wrong, we like surprises. But if we had an idea of what Epic Games had in mind for the next phase of Fortnite, we wouldn't have been so overwhelmed at what we found. Here's what we wish we'd known about before the second chapter's launch.
Read MoreWe've decided to go through Borderlands' hidden achievements and trophies and tell you where, when, and how they're earned.
Read MoreWhether you love or hate the game, Borderlands 3 represents decisions that other AAA titles wouldn't make, arguably for the better.
Read MoreWhat follows is an extremely subjective listing of some of the most impressive free releases, expansions, and relaunches on Steam in 2019.
Read MoreThere's still a few lingering questions worth asking about where Joel and Ellie have been thus far. Some small, some huge, and yet, they're still questions that can't help but swirl around players' heads as the credits rolled the first time around in The Last of Us.
Read MoreYou spend enough time with a specific gameplay mechanic, and it starts to bleed into your everyday digital life. What we've got here is a list of the best of the best, the things you can do in Zelda that you just can't resist, and we don't even want to bother trying.
Read MoreGeralt of Rivia: the White Wolf, the Butcher of Blaviken, the Witcher. To tell the story of the Witcher games is to tell his story, all his exploits and adventures. Geralt's primary concern is hunting monsters, but it's the schemes of men that more often entangle him in trouble.
Read MoreWhile it likely won't break records like Endgame did, we still want the upcoming game to succeed.
Read MoreThe plot of Grand Theft Auto 5 is much more intricate than you might think at first glance. With that in mind, let's break down this wild game.
Read MoreSince the release of Red Dead Redemption 2, conspiracy theorists and eagle-eyed gamers have been untangling what amounts to virtual urban legends. We've assembled some of the most pervasive myths found in the Red Dead series that have been proven to be the real deal.
Read MoreAfter dozens of hours sorting through purple and orange guns, you have to wonder: Did the story neatly tie up all the loose ends? Were there any plot threads left unfinished for us to ponder? We've gathered some of the biggest unanswered questions we have about Borderlands 3.
Read MoreOver the years, players have found fun little distractions that prove to be much more entertaining than they probably should be. Because of this, it can be hard to resist indulging in even the silliest things GTA has to offer. Let's take a look at some of those.
Read MoreNot all bugs are created equal, though, and there have been some that were accidentally awesome (or not!). This year added its own slew of epic fails to the mix. Here are some bizarre gaming bugs that have amused and annoyed us in 2019.
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