Starcraft 2 Pro Geoff 'iNcontroL' Robinson Passes Away At 33
Geoff Robinson, also known to StarCraft 2 esports fans as "iNcontroL," passed away this past Saturday, according to a report from Kotaku​.
Read MoreGeoff Robinson, also known to StarCraft 2 esports fans as "iNcontroL," passed away this past Saturday, according to a report from Kotaku​.
Read MoreIt's not been a great week for the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate community. Yesterday we reported on the story of a 15-year-old girl who was harassed after defeating a pro player at a Smash Bros. tournament. Now it appears that same pro player is embroiled in a controversy of his own.
Read MoreA few weeks back, a relatively unknown Smash Bros. player named Bocchi took the world by surprise when she managed to beat pro player Ally at AON #27, a local Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament held in New York.
Read MoreAccording to the U.S. Patent And Trademark Office's online database, Anheuser-Busch has filed a trademark application for the phrase "the official beer of esports."
Read MoreSome of the following gamers ended up being a little too slick for their own good, while a few of them were hopelessly clumsy in their attempts at gaming the system. Maybe cheaters never prosper, but the important thing is that they are usually good for a laugh.
Read MoreAccording to the Hollywood Reporter, Tfue, one of the world's most popular Fortnite: Battle Royale players, has filed a lawsuit against his gaming organization. Turner "Tfue" Tenney today initiated the process for suing FaZe Clan, the esports organization he signed with in April 2018.
Read MoreEpic has announced the first wave of duo partners for the upcoming Fortnite Celebrity Pro-Am. The tournament which pairs professional players with celebrities from various fields, will headline on the second day of the two-part Fortnite Summer Block Party event.
Read MoreHere's something you probably didn't see coming. Farming Simulator, a game that is exactly what it sounds like, is joining the likes of DOTA 2, CS:GO, and Overwatch as a title with an official esports league.
Read MoreUnfortunately, conflict seems to follow Super Smash Bros. long after the characters have left the stage.
Read MoreAnd though younger viewers make up a big bulk of his audience, Ninja has also made fans out of parents, who love that he makes a concerted effort to keep his channel clean. Still, there have been some slip-ups. Though the instances are rare, Ninja hasn't always stayed entirely clear of controversy.
Read MoreLike the game, Ninja's success seems to have happened overnight. Epic Games' epic win of a title has it all: a creative aesthetic, fun gameplay, and intense firefights. Ninja's popularity may be linked to how he brings out the best of Fortnite: he's having fun, but he's also good. Really good.
Read MoreWhen a single title is catapulted to become the face of gaming, all of the problems associated with gaming -- hardcore or casual -- come along with it. Fun as it is, the battle royale juggernaut has stirred up some serious ethical and legal battles in real life.
Read MoreAh, Dota 2. Valve Software's biggest esports title regularly sits near the top of the Steam charts. We thought we'd take a look under the hood at some of the lesser known aspects of this massive MOBA, so read on. You're sure to discover something you didn't know about Dota 2.
Read MoreYou've probably seen the stories about Fortnite coaches on your local news network as the anchors all say, "My kid can't stop playing that game!" But the info you've gotten so far has likely just scratched the surface. There's a lot more to the Fortnite coaches that are popping up all over.
Read MoreIf you call yourself a Fnatic fanatic, you'll know even more about them by the time you're through.
Read MoreFans can probably tell you about all of Sean "Day9" Plott's major career milestones. But there are some things Day9 fans may not know.
Read MoreThese are the stories of pro gamers who got a taste of the big time and could not handle it. All of these gamers flew just a bit too close to the sun.
Read MoreBy the time you reach the bottom of the list, you'll know some things a lot of Shroud fans don't. And you'll be able to unofficially call yourself his biggest fan.
Read MoreBelow, you'll find a collection of untold truths, which cover Summit1g's triumphs, failures, and missteps. By the end, you'll know even more about the player that's been lighting up the Twitch charts and making a name for himself outside of professional gaming.
Read MoreFor a game that's composed entirely of people shooting each other over and over, Overwatch has some genuinely compelling, beautifully designed characters.
Read MoreWe've decided to dig a bit into Tyler1's life and give you some little-known facts about one of the more talented LoL players in the world.
Read MoreEven if you're a huge fan, read on to learn things you may not know about Street Fighter.
Read MoreThough you can find a healthy amount of information about Ninja online, some of the more fun facts about this streaming star are well hidden.
Read MoreWhich is the cream of the crop, and which aren't exactly the straightest of shooters?
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