Cloud9 Just Made Esports History
Cloud9 White, a new Cloud9 offshoot announced on Oct. 25, has made history as Valorant's first all female team.
Read MoreCloud9 White, a new Cloud9 offshoot announced on Oct. 25, has made history as Valorant's first all female team.
Read MoreSeason 7 is ready to burst with the vast amount of content on display. A new character, new map, new additions to the ongoing narrative, and much more are coming in for a landing in Apex Legends.
Read MoreOver the last week, Apex Legends fans have been greeted by Horizon in-game, seen multiple references to her in official trailers, and received quests that end with an official introduction. Here is everything we know about Apex Legends' Horizon.
Read MoreEsports have grown in popularity and exposure, with new teams popping up all over the world. Some esports teams have managed to become incredibly rich by competing in tournaments. However, where many esports pros usually see dollar signs, the competitors in a coastal Japanese city are seeing crabs.
Read MoreRiot Games introduced its virtual girl group, K/DA, to fans at the League of Legends World Championship Finals in 2018. This is the untold truth of League of Legends' K/DA.
Read MoreLeague of Legends will soon be launching a brand new character, Seraphine, but there's a problem.
Read MoreWhile Twitch has done a lot to curtail negative aspects of the community, there have still been a few missteps. Here is the shady side of Twitch.
Read MoreThe current Marvel Comics season of Fortnite is continuing with the addition of a new hero skin that players can add to their in-game closet. And that costume has ties to a familiar inner-city "defender" that comic book fans know all too well: Daredevil.
Read MoreYou may have seen a trailer for an upcoming documentary titled Fall Guys: The Saga Continues, A TimTheTatman Story. Unlike other ESPN documentaries that cover the lives, times, and crimes of sports stars, this special will reflect on TimTheTatman's journey through Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout.
Read MoreAs One True King is still in its beginning stages, fans have voiced a lot of questions regarding the organization, including who else will join. One individual you should not expect to see on the OTK roster is Shroud, who laid out his feelings on the topic during his own live stream.
Read MoreComparisons between Shroud and Ninja are pretty common at this point. Back in August, Shroud signed a new exclusivity deal with Twitch, marking his official return to the platform. Shroud's first stream back nearly broke a viewer record set by Ninja, who also returned to Twitch shortly afterwards.
Read MoreDr Disrespect is upset that Black Ops - Cold War has apparently changed up the series' "Ninja" perk.
Read MoreJust a few steps into World Joyland and you'll see sights straight out of the game World of Warcraft. Huge statues of orcs, warriors, and wizards are scattered all throughout the park. In fact, Joyland is a $48 million copyright violation.
Read MoreWhile Epic Games continues to grow in popularity and profitability, it all had to start somewhere. Behind all of that is the man who has been with the company from the very beginning: Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney. Although Sweeney is very much a public figure, there's much you may not know about him.
Read MoreThis seems like a good time to dive into the many updates and surprises that Call of Duty: Warzone Season 6 has in store. Not only does the map in Warzone keep getting bigger, it also keeps getting deadlier.
Read MoreHalo Infinite being delayed won't stop you from checking out some other sweet games in the meantime.
Read MoreThe PS5 Showcase provided the first look at gameplay for the Black Ops - Cold War single-player experience.
Read MoreThe Call of Duty series is known for its squad-based multiplayer modes, but what about the ever so popular battle royale format? It appears Warzone will still factor into the larger Call of Duty world when Cold War officially launches.
Read MoreEver since Dr Disrespect's mysterious ban from Twitch, the Doc's streaming buddies have expressed how much they've missed having him around. TimTheTatman recently told his viewers that he'd love to be able to stream with his friend. However, Nadeshot may be in trouble with Twitch for this very act.
Read MoreThe last year or so has been a trying one for Nordan Shat, a.k.a. FaZe Rain. Sadly, his latest updates on social media have painted a dire picture for the esports pro. In fact, the very sad circumstances surrounding FaZe Rain's latest reveal have led to a very polarizing response from his fanbase.
Read MoreFall Guys: Ultimate Knockout continues to be a hugely entertaining game for audiences, and now it has taken the next step in its path to global domination. Panda Global has made history by announcing the world's very first professional Fall Guys team. That's right; Fall Guys now has a pro following.
Read MoreIn the last year, one of the biggest stories in the esports world has been the continuing legal battle between Tfue and FaZe Clan. The story has been full of plenty of ups and downs, but it seems it has finally come to a peaceful end. Tfue and FaZe Clan have agreed to settle the matter out of court.
Read MoreHere's a rundown of what World of Warcraft has to offer, including what's on the way in the upcoming Shadowlands expansion.
Read MoreFaZe Clan is inarguably one of the most influential and controversial esports collectives in the gaming industry. While the group has had some contractual issues with members like Tfue, there are still plenty of gamers vying for a spot in FaZe Clan's ranks. Even star athletes want in on the action.
Read MoreYou may be wondering -- what should you spend your time on in WoW? Here are the things you need to do in World of Warcraft before Shadowlands arrives.
Read MoreFortnite: Battle Royale is a fascinating study in game development length, if only because you will never guess how long it took. The amount of time Epic Games spent on Battle Royale blows other titles out of the water, especially since initial development reportedly occurred without crunch.
Read MoreGiven all the new elements, you might be playing Apex Legends all wrong if you're not taking advantage of what Season 6 has to offer.
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