Kimmi Ann

Photo of Kimmi Ann
Castaic, CA
Game Reviews, Guides, Survival Games
  • While Nintendo's Game Boy was her first console, today Kimmi loves to play everything from PS5, Switch, PC, and Tabletop.
  • Her top 5 gaming genres are Survival, Cozy, RPG, Strategy, and Simulation.
  • Kimmi's favorite game reviewed in 2022 was "Itorah," an indie platformer.


Kimmi Ann grew up gaming and is lucky enough to have turned that passion into a career. With eight years of writing experience, she has covered everything under the pop culture umbrella, with a special focus on video and board games. Kimmi has helped other companies like The Illuminerdi, Pop Culture Renegades, and Fangirl Nation to expand their gaming departments through writing and video production. She is excited for the next chapter as she moves back to California to expand her reach as a video game journalist and start her own YouTube channel.

SVG Editorial Policies

SVG is comprised of a team of experienced writers, editors, and gaming fans of all kinds, all united in a true passion for the video game industry. We endeavor to bring our readers expert coverage of the latest news and trends in the worlds of video games and streamer content, as well as entertaining and informative reviews and features concerning new release titles and retro favorites.

Our editors, advisors, and fact-checkers are constantly updating and reviewing articles to ensure they're current, comprehensive, and helpful. Click here for more information on our editorial process.

Stories By Kimmi Ann