This Destiny 2 Subclass Leak Just Got More Interesting

"Destiny 2" was released back in 2017, but it's still receiving regular updates and expansions from Bungie — amassing a significant fanbase for itself. Naturally, those fans are always eager for hints of what's coming next for the game, and last week, it looked like an accidental leak may have provided just such a hint. This has recently been followed by additional developments, which make the alleged leak all the more intriguing.


Speculation began when a Bungie employee posted a brief video of "Destiny 2" gameplay to their ArtStation account. The Twitter account Destiny Leaks quickly picked up on something interesting. The footage included the game's UI in the bottom left, typically where subclass ability cooldowns are shown. However, in this case, the symbols were unlike anything players had ever seen.

As Paul Tassi at Forbes speculated, these UI symbols indicate a new, fifth subclass for "Destiny 2." In addition, the symbols were green, an option not yet used for the color-coded subclasses, drawing further speculation that the new subclass would be based around poison or decay. The UI also featured a never-before-seen super symbol and three melee charges — which is odd, considering all current subclasses only have one melee charge by default.


While little more than speculation to go on, the rumors may have ended there. However, Bungie has since taken action that lends support to the argument that this was a leak and that a new subclass may be on the way.

This re-posted Destiny 2 video has fans talking

First, the ArtSation account where the video was initially posted was apparently shut down the same day the video started going viral. Then, the account and video reappeared. But this time, the UI was removed entirely from the footage. While this is not an official confirmation of anything, it has caused suspicion. That said, "Destiny 2" players are somewhat divided over the news. While some fans are skeptical, others are taking these developments as proof that Bungie is trying to hide the next subclass ahead of its official reveal.


Though Bungie has a lot on its plate between the upcoming "Lightfall" expansion, lawsuits with cheat makers, and ever-present exploits that recently forced the developer to temporarily shut off in-game text chat, the studio is set to reveal the game's future at a showcase on August 23. With that in mind, fans might not have to wait too long to see where all this subclass leak speculation leads.

