The Best And Worst Meta Quest 2 Games

The Oculus Quest has gone through some major changes. First its parent company rebranded it as the Meta Quest. Then, Meta announced a price increase on every model of the Quest that luckily still lets the console keep its place as the most affordable VR platform on the market. The Quest is really hitting its stride as a console, and it's home to some of the best VR games that have ever existed, as well as some that are well worth ignoring.


When VR is at its best, it's immersive gaming that's straight out of your wildest childhood imaginings. The best VR games let you inhabit alien worlds, compete in futuristic sports, or simulate real world experiences you couldn't otherwise have in your daily life. At its worst, VR is just like any other bad gaming platform: painful and ultimately forgettable. Make the most of your Quest by checking out the best games on the platform and avoid the games that only look like they're life-changing from the outside.

Best: Tea for God

From indie developer Void Room comes, "Tea for God" might go down as one of the most inventive VR games ever created. The game takes place in a futuristic robot city, and its protagonist holds his society's God Emperor responsible for the death of his family, and he intends on traversing the God Emperor's labyrinthine complex to end her reign.


The best VR games offer players a level of immersion that wouldn't be possible with any other kind of media, and when it comes to immersion, almost no game on any VR platform can stand next to "Tea for God." Players traverse the game's labyrinth on their own two feet. Procedurally generated rooms and halls scale to the available space and fold in on themselves to simulate literally miles of ground to explore. Between getting to actually walk around in-game and the optional ability to make use of the Quest's hand tracking capabilities, "Tea for God" is an immersive experience like no other in gaming.

As players wander they'll uncover weapons, upgrades, gorgeous outdoor scenery, and a whole array of enemies to battle. Players need to learn how to navigate the city while fighting for their lives, though the game's settings allow for a more casual stroll through the futuristic environment. The unique mechanic's of "Tea for God," along with its excellent gameplay, led UploadVR to call it one of VR's "most thoughtfully designed games."

  • Release Date: In beta/early access

  • Genre: Roguelite

  • Game Modes: Single-player

Worst: VR Karts: Sprint

If you've ever wanted to play a game like "Mario Kart" on your Quest, then you'd better keep driving to the next stop. "VR Karts: Sprint" is billed as "a fun and approachable Virtual Reality racing game," but it doesn't quite live up to that promise. The game has everything you'd expect from a simple kart racing experience. There are a variety of maps, powerups to collect while racing, and customization options for your kart. There's even a multiplayer mode, so you can race against your friends online.


Unfortunately, all of it feels like it was quickly slapped together with duct tape and craft glue. One Redditor called the game "absolute shovelware," and others agreed that it's "not worth the money." The game lacks smooth controls or a true feeling of speed – two of the most important parts of a VR racing experience. Because of that, the multiplayer mode is mostly deserted, meaning there's really not much on offer here, even for the low price point.

  • Release Date: May 21, 2019

  • Genre: Racing

  • Game Modes: Single-player, online multiplayer

Best: The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners

You don't have to be a diehard fan of "The Walking Dead" franchise to find something to enjoy in "Saints and Sinners." The game combines the best parts of a Bethesda-esque RPG with the exciting possibilities of existing in a virtual environment. The story is set in New Orleans, and the game follows a Tourist who's stepping into foreign territory in search of a massive stockpile of supplies called the Reserve. In typical open world RPG fashion, the fate of every NPC and faction in the city will somehow come to rest on the player's shoulders.


The game will ask players to hack, slash, and shoot their way through hordes of the undead while making their way through the city. A variety of body holsters and a backpack allow players to collect weapons and supplies, some of which can be used to upgrade weapons and the protagonist's various skill trees. Quests are truly open-ended, giving players a freedom that isn't available in most other VR games. IGN hit the nail on the head calling "Saints and Sinners" "a noteworthy step forward in VR gaming."

  • Release Date: October 13, 2020

  • Genre: Action RPG

  • Game Modes: Single-player

Worst: Richie's Plank Experience

Every Quest game runs the risk of using the console's features in a way that feels gimmicky and shallow, but few games embrace that risk as wholeheartedly as "Richie's Plank Experience." The game's primary appeal is in the title. It lets you "walk the plank" on a high rise skyscraper, which can be an incredibly disorienting experience if it's one of your first explorations of VR. After you've gotten the lay of the land on the Quest, however, there's almost no reason to ever return to this particular game.


In its defense, the official description for "Richie's Plank Experience" says that it's supposed to be used to "entertain family and friends," but unless you're regularly giving tech demos, the game likely isn't worth the money. There are other VR games that offer the same thrills but with more functionality, better gameplay, and sharper visuals. Gamers on Reddit tend to agree, comparing the game to a full-price demo rather than a fully realized VR experience.

  • Release Date: June 27, 2019

  • Genre: First person adventure

  • Game Modes: Single-player

Best: Echo VR

Considering it's essentially a free launch title, "Echo VR" is significantly better than it has any right being. "Echo" is free-to-play and relatively light on the microtransactions that plague other games. Matches take place in a zero-gravity environment that is reminiscent of the battle room from Orson Scott Card's classic sci-fi novel "Ender's Game." Players navigate the environment with their own momentum and the help of rocket boosters while playing what amounts to four-vs-four frisbee football. "Echo" is one of the most creative competitive games out there, and its gameplay mechanics make a perfect match with the Quest.


All the great gameplay does come with an unfortunate catch. Players have complained about a lack of traffic on the game's servers. If you give "Echo" an entire evening, chances are good you'll end up playing against the same teams over and over again. Luckily, "Echo" is plenty fun, and the more people who give it a chance, the easier it will be to find a wider variety of competitors.

  • Release Date: May 5, 2020

  • Genre: Competitive sports

  • Game Modes: Single-player practice, online multiplayer

Worst: Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge

What would it be like to explore the further corners of the "Star Wars" galaxy in VR? "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge" promises to answer that question, but it never quite delivers. Instead, the game is made up of aggressively on-the-rails levels with hardly any true exploration. Ultimately, the game ends up feeling like a preview for something better, and on its own it doesn't take full advantage of what the Quest can do.


As far as gameplay goes, "Galaxy's Edge" is basically a first-person shooter with the standard VR shooter mechanics – multiple locomotion options, a body holster inventory system, and floaty-feeling gunplay. There's nothing inherently wrong with what "Galaxy's Edge" puts on display, it's just, as Destructoid wrote in its review, "all mostly fine." The fun to be found here just isn't quite enough to distract from how much of a missed opportunity the game is.

  • Release Date: November 19, 2020

  • Genre: First-person shooter

  • Game Modes: Single-player

Best: Superhot VR

"Superhot" was originally developed in 2013 as part of the 7 Day FPS Game Challenge, and since then it's made its way to multiple platforms, but it feels like the game was destined for the Quest. In the game, players enter a VR simulation where time only moves when they move. Players have to battle through a variety of levels, taking down enemies with guns, knives, shuriken, teapots, and whatever else they can get their hands on. Along the way they can duck behind cover and dodge bullets by taking advantage of the unique time/movement relationship in the game. Few VR titles find a way to make in-game movement feel natural, but "Superhot" really makes you feel like your entire body is in the game.


In addition to featuring truly next-level gameplay, "Superhot" is also packed with various modes and challenges that will really test a player's skills. There's a campaign featuring a barebones plot and save point between levels, as well as a "Don't Die" mode that asks players to rush the entire game without making a single mistake. On top of that there are multiple versions of time trials and a series of levels that throw endless waves of enemies at players and rank their score on a worldwide leaderboard. If you can only get a single game for your Quest, you won't be sorry to make it "Superhot."

  • Release Date: May 21, 2019

  • Genre: First-person shooter

  • Game Modes: Single-player

Worst: Star Trek: Bridge Crew

Like "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge," this game promises to be an immersive experience that drops you into the middle of your favorite sci-fi franchise. Unfortunately, also like "Galaxy's Edge," "Star Trek: Bridge Crew" is ultimately a disappointment that just leaves you craving a game that matches up to your expectations. The game puts players in the captain's seat of the U.S.S. Aegis and pits them against alien combatants while they make their way through a portion of space known as The Trench.


There are definitely good moments to be found in "Bridge Crew." Fans of the franchise get to actually stand on the bridge of an Enterprise-like ship, and the game lets players cooperate with their friends, taking down enemies in procedurally generated missions. Beneath the game's shiny premise, however, there isn't much to be found. IGN said the game feels like "an elaborate theme park ride," and that couldn't be a more apt description. There's nothing resembling a compelling gameplay loop to be found here, and for all its initial appeal, the game is unlikely to hold anyone's attention for more than a couple of hours.

  • Release Date: December 16, 2019

  • Genre: First-person adventure

  • Game Modes: Single-player, online co-op


Best: Pistol Whip

"Pistol Whip" is what would happen if "Beat Saber" developed a violent streak. It's a joyous cross between first-person shooter and rhythm game, and though everything it does could be recreated on a flat screen, VR helps to heighten everything that's already working well here. Like a classic arcade shooter, players progress through levels on an ever-moving track, but their scores are dictated by how well they shoot in rhythm and shield regeneration is handled by whipping enemies in the face with a gun.


When it comes to addictive VR experiences, "Pistol Whip" tops the charts. There's a huge amount of in-game customization options that affect not just the look of the game but also the function of every individual level. Paired with a worldwide score leaderboard and regularly updated challenges, there's always a reason to dive back into the game. As if that weren't enough, developer Cloudhead Games has released multiple free DLC packs that add levels, songs, and fully voice-acted story campaigns. "Pistol Whip" is the VR gift that keeps on giving.

  • Release Date: November 7, 2019

  • Genre: FPS, rhythm

  • Game Modes: Single-player

Worst: Myst

Released in 1993, "Myst" has gotten more mileage than almost any other PC game in history. Unfortunately, the Quest version of the game occupies a strange liminal space that appeals to a very narrow range of players. "Myst" fans have been playing the game for decades, and while they may be interested in seeing the Island in VR, there's nothing new to be discovered in it. On the other hand, "Myst" newbies are likely going to be a bit lost by the game's dated mechanics, and in some ways, VR isn't doing the gameplay any favors.


Players have noted that "Myst" on the Quest presents some challenges that didn't exist in previous versions of the game. Note-taking is an almost mandatory part of the "Myst" experience, especially for newcomers, and that means having to continually remove your headset or regularly peeking down the gap between your nose and the device to try and read notes off your phone. Updates have added some quality-of-life improvements like screenshots with annotations, but this 90s-era puzzler just doesn't feel natural in VR. Anyone who doesn't have the game already memorized might be better off experiencing it on a standard screen.

  • Release Date: December 10, 2020

  • Genre: First-person adventure

  • Game Modes: Single-player


Best: To the Top

A fast-paced platformer doesn't sound like a perfect fit for VR, but Electric Hat Games proved that just isn't the case with "To the Top." The game hardly has a story to speak of, but that doesn't really matter when it's so fun to play. The secret sauce in "To the Top" is its traversal system. Levels come in all shapes and sizes, but they're populated by blue patches that players can grab onto and use to launch themselves forward. By linking multiple jumps together, players can reach higher, go faster, and top out their score on every level. Addictive doesn't even begin to describe the gameplay here.


If the fun of leaping across buildings isn't enough to entice you, "To the Top" brings everything else you'd expect to find in a great platformer. The level design is superb – whether you're climbing a giant robot, leaping across skyscrapers, or dodging canon balls, you'll always be seeing something new. Your journey through the game is also backed by a truly unforgettable soundtrack that will have you humming tunes through the rest of your day. Plus, you have the option of racing through the levels against your friends. A sequel is already in the works, and "To the Top" has the power to be one of VR's best franchises.

  • Release Date: March 24, 2021

  • Genre: First-person platformer

  • Game Modes: Single-player, online multiplayer


Worst: Hand Physics Lab

Of all the things the Quest can do, hand tracking might be the most impressive. Turning on the feature lets you abandon your controls and, in certain games, just use your hands to manipulate objects in VR. "Hand Physics Lab" functions like an elaborate tech demo, letting you take full advantage of the Quest's latest feature. The game will have you playing catch with yourself, solving simple puzzles, and interacting with everything from weapons to cats to magnets.


Unfortunately, after the novelty wears off, the fact that "Hand Physics Lab" is a sort of demo really starts to drain the fun from the experience. Like "Richie's Plank Experience," the game feels more like an opportunity to show off your device to friends and family than anything else. As some players have realized, the quality of hand tracking depends heavily on your device and the environment you're using it in, so there's always a chance that portions of the game won't even function properly. Unless you've got no other way to try out the Quest's hand tracking feature, it might be best to sleep on this one.

  • Release Date: April 1, 2021

  • Genre: Sandbox

  • Game Modes: Single-player

Best: Eleven Table Tennis

It doesn't take a ton of bells and whistles to make a great VR game. Sometimes it's enough to create a near-perfect simulation of a real life experience, and that's exactly what "Eleven Table Tennis" accomplishes. World of Geeks praised the game's careful attention to physics and pointed out that some players can get so wrapped up in a round of table tennis that they actually forget they're playing in VR. When it comes to Quest games, there's hardly any higher praise than that.


The game is exactly what you'd expect it to be. Players can take on an AI opponent to sharpen their table tennis skills, but the real challenge lies in the multiplayer. From your living room you can take on players from all around the globe, and "Eleven" keeps the games moving by cutting out everything – like chasing down a stray ball – that can make table tennis tedious in real life. Even if you've never been a fan of the sport before now, "Eleven" is one of the Quest's must-play games

  • Release Date: February 27, 2020

  • Genre: Sports

  • Game Modes: Single-player, online multiplayer

Worst: Project Terminus

"Project TERMINUS" is a VR horror game with an interesting premise and tons of potential. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic Paris that is overrun by nightmarish creatures. Players need to gather supplies, traverse the city, and do their best to survive against the odds in a world overrun by monsters. They don't need to go it alone, either. "Project TERMINUS" has a co-op feature that lets you work alongside your friends as you explore the city.


For all its promise, "Project TERMINUS" fails to live up to the hype. Players have complained about countless bugs plaguing the game in both the single-player and multiplayer modes. At best, the bugs break the game's immersion and detract from the horror elements. At worst, they make the game altogether unplayable. Unless there's some serious turnaround in the future, "Project TERMINUS" will remain an unrealized nightmare.

  • Release Date: October 28, 2021

  • Genre: Survival horror

  • Game Modes: Single-player, online multiplayer

