Apex Legends Accidentally Spoiled The Newest Character

Companies don't typically leak their own content, but Respawn just did. The leak didn't come from a social media post or dataminer, but from the gaming client itself. "Apex Legends" often shows previews for characters, updates, and other events when the player boots up the game, and recently, players noticed a fresh face a few days before the debut of the new character trailer. Respawn accidentally revealed Vantage, an agent from the biggest leak in "Apex Legends" history, earlier than intended.


"Apex Legends" leakers already predicted that Vantage would be the agent for Season 14, much like they did with Newcastle before Season 13. She looks slightly different than she did in the leaks, but the similarities in her design — from the face shape and armor — suggest that she is the same character. She appeared in a single picture telling players to watch the new "Stories from the Outlands" trailer before it was officially uploaded. It's gone now, but Redditors saved the image so that those who missed it could catch up on the drama. 

Respawn took the image down as quickly as it appeared, so not many people got to see it. However, it was enough time for the character spoiler to circulate across social media. Here's how Respawn reacted to this hiccup.


Respawn just played it cool

Respawn didn't publicly acknowledge what players saw in the gaming client. However, many gamers assumed it was a mistake, based on how quickly the developer removed it. Soon after, Respawn uploaded a scheduled "Stories from the Outlands" trailer to its YouTube channel. It's now live, along with the date for when to expect the "Apex Legends" Season 14 trailer: July 28.


The story trailers of "Apex Legends" dive into a character's backstory so that players have an idea of who they are when they debut in the game. In her trailer, Vantage recalls the pains of growing up in an abandoned ship crashed in a cold, unforgiving climate. "The only rule Mara's mother ever gave her was to survive. In the ruins of the G.D.S. Vantage, that's a hard rule to follow," the trailer description reads. We still have no idea how Mara (a.k.a. Vantage) mixes with the other Legends, but perhaps we'll learn on July 28.

The leak also unintentionally revealed Apex Legends Season 14 "Hunted" will release on August 9. It aligns with "Apex Legends'" three-month update schedule, which is typically on-time.  "Apex Legends" is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android.


