Even Gamers' Pets Can't Get Enough Of Stray

The adventure platformer "Stray" was just released for PlayStation and PC and it's already a hit with critics. The short and sweet experience follows the travels of a cute kitty, exploring a cyberpunk city and trying to get home. Along the way, the lovable cat — inspired by an equally adorable real life counterpart – will solve puzzles, befriend robots, and uncover mysteries. Fans are diving into this feline's world and loving it. As it turns out, the pets of gamers also can't get enough of the action.


Pet pictures and videos have always been a staple of internet culture and now the release of "Stray" is putting a new twist on the old formula. It seems that some pets are as fascinated by the digital cat as the rest of us are and can't stop staring at the screen when their humans are playing. Social media is now flooding with posts from gamers who have been kind enough to share the cuteness with the rest of us.

Can't can't stop watching Stray

Cats just can't seem to stop watching their game counterpart. They sit and stare. They try to catch the onscreen kitty. They block the screen in the cutest way imaginable. They may be having more fun than the players. Who says you need opposable thumbs to get into gaming?


It's not clear just what cats are responding to in "Stray." Maybe it's the realistic visuals of cat movement that catch their attention. Maybe it's the sounds. As PlayStation UK pointed out on Twitter, "Stray" does have a dedicated meow button. Maybe they just intuitively understand that this is the first time one of their own has gotten to be such a popular lead character since "ThunderCats." Whatever the reason, cats, and even plenty of dogs are loving the game.

The love affair between pets and "Stray," and the new trend of posting about it online, has even led to the creation of a new Twitter account dedicated to it. So, if you can't get enough of the cute pet pics, check out Cats Watching "Stray."


