Emiru Breaks Her Silence On Extended Twitch Break

Streamers lead very complicated lives. While some may think that Twitch and YouTube stars live in their own enchanted worlds where money isn't an issue and they're constantly surrounded by people who're happy just to see or hear them talk, streamers typically face a whole set of problems that just aren't common for most other people. Whether fans discover something that ruins a streamer's career in seconds or a platform's policy change leaves them in an uproar, Twitch and YouTube personalities don't have it as easy as many may think — even more so when considering that streamers have to deal with potential harassers and stalkers.


Unfortunately, problems with fans who take things way too far is more common than streamers would like. Amouranth and Valkyrae have already spoken up about their encounters with creepy viewers, and in the past, the issue has made Emiru too afraid to do any IRL streams. While some internet celebrities are adept at putting the nasty stuff behind them and continue producing content to keep their fans happy, other streamers need to take some time to clear their head and unplug for a while. That's the case for Emiru — who took an unexpected break from being an internet icon to help with her mental health. Now, Emiru has returned to Twitch and opened up with some scant details about why she had to take some time away from the platform and how it helped.


Emiru was silently suffering

In Emiru's returning Twitch stream, the streamer commented on her impromptu break and the emotions around it. Emiru said, "There was some sh*t going on that was like really bad, like law enforcement involved bad, but the thing is like, streamers deal with sh*t like that all the time, right? And then they still just like keep going and keep streaming, but it's like, I just couldn't man." Emiru went on to say, "Probably since like October, when like the sh*t happened that caused me to move here, I've just like not been doing the best. Like I've been trying my best, like I'm like 'you know what I'm just gonna keep going, stream when I'm feeling good and all that sh*t but it was just like building up..."


While Emiru didn't go into specifics about what had been bothering her since October, fans know that Emiru moved out of Kansas to get away from a stalker. Considering Emiru states that her mental health took a dive around that point, it's not too farfetched to believe the streamer is still suffering from the stress the entire ordeal caused. Thankfully, the majority of Emiru's fans are supportive — telling her to take as long as she needs to feel better. All in all, it seems the break helped Emiru, as the Twitch star was soon up to old antics playing "League of Legends" and reacting to videos on stream.

