Even Halo's Co-Creator Is Confused By The TV Show

The "Halo" television series on Paramount+ has been a subject of controversy since the first episode released. Master Chief actor Pablo Schreiber has dealt with hate from fans who don't like the direction of the show. The adaptation also wasted zero time making uncharacteristic choices for its protagonist, including having him remove his helmet and have sex at one point. While the series exists in its own timeline, the choices have struck a chord with many viewers, especially those who know the franchise from the games as opposed to the novels.


These decisions also confused "Halo" co-creator Marcus Lehto. Some fans asked for his opinions of the show on Twitter. "Yeah, I'm not sure where the inspiration for the show comes from now. Not the 'Halo' I made," Lehto said in a tweet. This reply came late to a conversation about how the series feels unfamiliar to those who have played the games and feel they know the story of "Halo" and Master Chief. Lehto offered more than just criticisms, however.

Halo co-creator had some nice things to say about the TV show

Since there is a certain level of toxicity surrounding the "Halo" TV show online, many people interpreted Lehto's comment as proof that he reviled it too. Lehto expanded on his viewpoint in another tweet, writing, "For clarity, I never said I didn't like it. It's just so different than the 'Halo' I helped make – like it's a different universe."


In an additional message, Lehto further emphasized that his issue with the show is that it deviates so drastically from his creation, but he doesn't despise it. In fact, Lehto even complimented the project for an aspect he felt it handled well. "I actually like some of the battle scenes. Cool action and some great VFX. In particular, the plasma hit effects in ep1 are spot on," he wrote. It seems Lehto feels the show at least got a few elements right. Whether it's worth the time investment, especially for diehard fans of the games, remains up for debate.

