Tomb Raider Fans Just Got The Best News

In a move to surprise unexpecting fans, a new "Tomb Raider" title was confirmed to be in the works during the State of Unreal 2022 presentation. Towards the end of the event, General Manager of Crystal Dynamics Dallas Dickinson took the stage virtually to express the studio's excitement to be a part of the Unreal Engine 5 launch — and also tantalize fans with news that the team had just begun work on a new "Tomb Raider" game powered by the new engine. It's more good news for fans that can't get enough of Crystal Dynamics' reimagining of the franchise.


It seems Crystal Dynamics is excited to use Unreal Engine 5 to tell a new "Tomb Raider" story, as Dickinson feels the new technology will allow the studio to deliver an even more cinematic and engaging experience for players. While there wasn't all that much shared about the newly announced title, here's what Crystal Dynamics' boss Dallas Dickinson had to say about the project.

Unreal Engine 5 Will Power The Most Cinematic Tomb Raider

When Dallas Dickinson got the spotlight during the State of Unreal 2022 presentation, the Crystal Dynamics boss wasted no time before jumping right into the big news. Dickinson said, "This new engine translates into next-level storytelling in gameplay experiences. And that's why we're thrilled to announce today that we have just started development of our next 'Tomb Raider' game powered by Unreal Engine 5. Our goal is to push the envelope of fidelity and to deliver [a] high-quality cinematic action/adventure experience."


While that's all fans will likely get in terms of "Tomb Raider" news for quite some time — as work on the title is just starting now — the announcement is likely serving as a recruitment call as much as a means of hyping up fans. Just after the announcement, Crystal Dynamics Tweeted about job openings and invited developers experienced with Unreal development to apply. As onlookers have noticed recently with other titles like "The Witcher 4" and "Star Wars Eclipse," many titles are being announced well before they'd see the light of day — and studios are using the excitement and extended time on players' radars as a means to acquire new talent. Either way, "Tomb Raider" fans now have something to set their sights on — even if it's on the far-off horizon.


