Bugsnax: Will We Ever Get A Sequel?

Young Horses' adventure game "Bugsnax" was a refreshing late-year release in 2020. First announced as part of the PlayStation 5 reveal event in 2020, "Bugsnax" rode a wave of meme appeal to become a major success, as it surpassed the sales of Young Horses' "Octodad: Dadliest Catch" despite being released as a PlayStation Plus free game at launch. Combining gameplay elements of titles like "Pokémon Snap," "Ape Escape" and "Viva Piñata," "Bugsnax" held a strong place in the early launch library of the PlayStation 5.


With the major success of any game comes the discussion of a sequel, and "Bugsnax" has certainly had its share of speculation. Young Horses previously created a sequel to its 2010 game "Octodad" with the bizarre "Octodad: Dadliest Catch," so it clearly has experience with expanding its games. Thus, with its speedy rise in popularity and early success, Young Horses may have every reason to turn this game into a continuing series. So the question is: Will "Bugsnax" get a sequel?

Isle of Bigsnax is not the sequel

Young Horses' Kevin Zhun, the senior creative director and writer of "Bugsnax," has previously confirmed in an interview with Kotaku that there would be more "Bugsnax" to come, although he noted that the team was still figuring out whether it would be a full sequel or a DLC expansion. 


At PlayStation's October 2021 State of Play, Young Horses confirmed a new "Bugsnax" update called "The Isle of Bigsnax." This expansion, however, is not a full sequel or a continuation of the original game's story: it's a free update that players can access through the base game, and it takes place before the game's extremely dark ending.

Otherwise, no official word has been given on whether "Bugsnax" will receive a full-fledged sequel. As many have noted, the main campaign's ending definitely seems to set itself up for a continuation of some kind (per Game Rant). With much of the attention being on the expansion, a proper "Bugsnax 2" may take a long time to create, especially considering that Young Horses is just an eight-person team. Still, while fans may have to wait to receive a full sequel to "Bugsnax," the "Isle of Bigsnax" should provide plenty of content for players to enjoy in the meantime.


