NickMercs Doesn't Mince Words Over Controversial PC Giveaway

Twitch has plenty of outspoken people in its community, including its content creators. NickMercs, one of the top streamers on the platform after blowing up in 2021 and signing the biggest contract of his life, isn't one to hold back his thoughts. He's also a partner with Artesian Builds, a company that makes PCs and endorses several Twitch streamers. However, after a recent botched giveaway from the company, NickMercs had some harsh words for the PC builders.


Artesian Builds was recently hosting a giveaway for a custom-built PC on its livestream. However, after a streamer's name was pulled, Noah Katz, the CEO of the company, refused to give it to them because of their low viewership and growth. This sparked outrage on Twitter as people condemned the CEO and the company for shady practices and changing giveaway "rules." In fact, even a moderator and Artesian Builds employee sent a chat in the livestream about clarifying entry rules so that the mod could make them known.

Several streamers were quick to say that they were ending their partnerships with Artesian Builds following the livestream, and NickMercs was one who addressed the issue on his own stream. He called the clip "weird" and "odd," specifically referencing the way that Katz discussed the situation.


It could be enough to turn NickMercs away from Artesian Builds

In his own Twitch stream, NickMercs explained that he didn't want to support a company that ran giveaways like Artesian Build did. He pointed out that his channel gives away a lot of things, and he's never once "rolled" someone and not followed through with the promise — even if he does joke about it at times.


In the midst of the discussion, Nick pointed out that he and his team were in the process of making a decision about continuing to partner with Artesian Builds. They reviewed the clips and the stream and just didn't agree with what was going on. In the meantime, he talked to his viewers about cancel culture, which he wanted to keep separate from the talk about Artesian Builds, even though he very much didn't agree with what the company did.

While Artesian Builds lost a lot of support from the community over the incident, the streamer that was denied the PC has gained quite a bit from the situation. According to one Twitter user, kiaapiaa went from 200 followers to over 11k after the incident went viral. After the backlash, Artesian Builds offered kiaapiaa the PC, which she promptly turned down after the company didn't support her.


