The Real Reason Disguised Toast Left Twitch For Facebook

There's been an ongoing war between streaming platforms in the past months, but what about streamers who hopped off the Twitch train before it was popular? OfflineTV's Disguised Toast did just that, streaming exclusively with Facebook Gaming back in 2019. While streaming with friend Kkatamina — the Twitch streamer who was about to break a record at the time — Disguised Toast explained that his contract with Facebook is coming to an end. He also shared some information on why he left Twitch in the first place.


Disguised Toast pointed out that Twitch is known for offering the least amount of money in terms of signed contracts. According to the streamer, YouTube Gaming and Facebook offer anywhere from double to triple Twitch's numbers.

Toast seemed to get the short end of the stick, claiming to have gotten an offer from Twitch that was 1/30th what Facebook offered him in 2019. He also said that Twitch's offer was less money than what he was already making on Twitch at the time of the offer — he didn't really have a choice but to switch platforms.

With YouTube Gaming gaining traction, Disguised Toast still may not end up on Twitch. While on Kkatamina's stream, he seemed a bit down about his chances of getting an offer from any platform right now, but Twitch chat assured him that he could get plenty of traction if he returned to Twitch.


Where Disguised Toast could go from here

While Disguised Toast could move to any platform, or stay on Facebook, there's no guarantee that he'll get a good contract. At that point, it could be difficult for him to continue streaming. With that in mind, he could try to get more subs on Twitch or check out YouTube Gaming.


There was a point in time where it looked like Twitch would be dethroned by YouTube Gaming, and some new changes made it look like YouTube was taking away Twitch's biggest advantages. With names like Dr Disrespect, TimTheTatman, Valkyrae, DrLupo, and Indiefoxx, the platform gained momentum that may prove to be perfect for Toast's next move.

While Disguised Toast didn't say where he might end up, he did give some information about his upcoming merch. He said that he hired a designer instead of going through a third party and bought the material himself to make sure it's great quality.

With Toast's Facebook Gaming contract complete, fans will have to watch and see where he goes next — he may choose to not limit himself right now and keep his options open.


