The Endings Of Far Cry 6 Explained

Contains spoilers for "Far Cry 6"

"Far Cry 6" is the sixth main story entry in the "Far Cry" franchise and follows the series' established methodology. The critically polarizing first-person shooter provides an action-adventure experience with RPG elements, allowing the player to explore an open world environment. The gameplay has gone back to the more traditional "Far Cry" design, reversing some of the changes introduced in "Far Cry 5." For example, outposts have returned and the main character has a name again (unlike the Deputy in "5"). Because of this, you can't customize "Far Cry 6" protagonist Dani Rojas, though their gender can be chosen by the player, a first for a pre-determined character in the "Far Cry" franchise.


Set in a fictional country within the real world, "Far Cry 6" takes place in Yara, an island nation in the Caribbean similar to Cuba. Dani, a former Yaran military conscript, attempts to escape the dictatorship of Antón Castillo with their friends. They board a boat to travel to the United States, but Castillo and his special forces sink it after removing Castillo's son, Diego, from the group of refugees. Dani is the sole survivor, and, like previous "Far Cry" games, joins the local revolutionaries (the Libertad) to help overthrow Castillo's regime.

Similar to other "Far Cry" games, the ending of the sixth installment contains some ambiguity. Keep scrolling to better understand the conclusion of "Far Cry 6."


Far Cry 6 always reaches the same conclusion

One big way "6" differs from the other "Far Cry" games is its ending. Unlike all the previous entries (except for the original), "Far Cry 6" only has one main ending. It doesn't present a choice to the player or a method for changing the outcome of the story. The player's actions throughout the narrative do not influence the conclusion (with one key exception), which always unfolds the same way.


Dani is recruited to the Libertad movement by Clara Garcia, who was meant to take over the country after they depose Antón Castillo. However, she gets captured and is eventually killed when Dani chooses to save Castillo's son, Diego, from a sniper shot. In the "true" ending, Castillo and Diego retreat to the capital, Esperanza, and Dani and their friends storm the presidential palace. When Dani promises to protect Diego, however, Castillo kills the boy and then himself, and there's nothing the player can do to stop it. Dani's allies celebrate their victory before asking who should lead. Dani states Clara should have been the leader, then walks away.

One choice makes or breaks the revolution

Following in the footsteps of "4" and "5," "Far Cry 6" also has a secret ending. However, unlike the preceding titles, the secret ending of "6" is a bit more difficult to find and doesn't trigger until you've already completed a good portion of the game. For a quick refresher, the secret endings of "Far Cry 4" and "Far Cry 5" take a look at what would happen if the main protagonist chooses not to act. "Far Cry 6" isn't any different.


After Dani helps Clara take down the blockade around Libertad's home base — the seventh main mission of the game — the player unlocks the option for the secret ending. In "Libertad," Dani starts on the beach and can walk down it to speak with Juan. However, they can also turn around and find a small boat left by Clara. Stepping into the boat and taking over the driver position allows the player to steer it to the south.

After a few minutes of traveling on open water, the screen fades to black. A "three months later" caption appears, and the game cuts to Dani hanging out on the beach in Miami, where they wanted to go at the beginning of the story. Dani hears a radio news broadcast detailing that Castillo's special forces have killed Clara and disbanded the Libertad movement, effectively ending the revolution (and the game).


Castillo kills Diego to stop history from repeating itself

"Far Cry 6" continues the tradition of featuring compelling, morally gray, sometimes misunderstood antagonists. Antón Castillo, the president of Yara (portrayed in motion capture and voice by Giancarlo Esposito) plays this role in the latest installment. Castillo is the son of the previous dictator of Yara, who was executed in 1967 by revolutionaries. The end of the game reveals that Castillo was tortured at the hands of these revolutionaries. Elected in 2014 as president, Castillo feels Yara needs a strong, controlling dictatorship to shore up the nation and keep it from being unduly influenced by outside forces. The player also discovers he is dying of acute leukemia, a diagnosis he received 13 years prior and for which treatment stopped working six months ago.


Castillo trained his son, Diego, to take over for him. He wants Dani to become a general in his army and help raise Diego on the right path. However, Dani refuses, and when they reach him in the presidential palace, Castillo decides to do what he thinks is best and shoot his son before slitting his own throat. Right before he acts, Castillo — who is obsessed with truth and lies — asks Dani if they'll take care of Diego after his death. Dani promises to do so, but Castillo, seemingly remembering his own torture, accuses them of lying. He immediately shoots Diego, potentially saving him from the pain Castillo had to face.

Diego is the heart of Far Cry 6

The relationships between Dani and Juan, Dani and Clara, and even Dani and Castillo all play important parts in the "Far Cry 6" story. However, Dani's relationship with 13-year-old Diego may be the most crucial. Because Diego is on the same boat as Dani and their allies heading to the U.S., Castillo and his special forces board and sink it, driving Dani to Libertad. Diego convinces Dani to spare Castillo the first time they attempt to kill him and then saves Dani from being tortured and killed by Castillo and his general when they get caught. Finally, Dani's choice to save Diego's life causes Clara's death, leading directly to the events at the end of the game.


One of the most controversial parts of "Far Cry 6" is Diego's death, especially at the hands of his own father. Castillo does what he thinks is best, saving his son from a perceived future of torture. Ending the Castillo line ends the dictatorship and essentially "frees" Yara, though the nation may not be completely liberated. Diego's death also opens Dani's eyes to the futility of trying to do the right thing, which leads them to give up the power they so easily could have taken.

Clara Garcia influences Dani's choice

As the leader of the Libertad movement, Clara Garcia is instrumental in Dani's eventual fate. Whether the player goes for the true ending or the secret ending, Clara is involved. In the secret ending, she leaves out the boat Dani uses to get to the United States. In the true ending, Clara recruits Dani for Libertad and explains their cause to them. Clara also is the one who sends Dani out on missions to strengthen Libertad enough to storm the capital.


Clara's murders affects Dani the most. At the beginning of the endgame, Clara gets captured by Castillo and brought to his Eagle's Nest location. There, he discloses his leukemia diagnosis and tells Dani that he'll let Clara live if they agree to be Castillo's general. Both Clara and Dani try to talk Castillo down, telling him they can find a different way, but when Diego is almost shot by Juan, Castillo doesn't hesitate to shoot Clara in the head.

The death of Clara spawns the final attack on Esperanza by Libertad, as Dani takes over Libertad and uses it to spur their fellow revolutionaries into action. At the end, though, Dani chooses to walk away from leadership. Juan and Dani bury Clara together, viewing her as the reason to continue fighting.


Juan Cortez may have a greater role to play

If Dani chooses to fight for Libertad, they team up with Juan Cortez, an ex-spymaster and weapons maker. Juan and Dani become close, and have many conversations throughout the game about what it means to be a guerrilla. Although Dani is also close to Clara, Juan is more of a mentor figure to them, and his decisions directly influence the game's ending. When Juan tells Dani he's going to kill Diego because he can't get to Castillo, Dani saves Diego, causing Castillo to shoot Clara. Her death effectively put Dani in charge of Libertad, a job they never wanted and didn't feel ready for. After Castillo and Diego die, the team looks to Dani to take control of the country, but Dani claims they are not a politician and walks away.


Following Clara's burial, Juan and Dani team up again to focus on taking down the remaining Castillo loyalists. The situation with Juan gets more intriguing after the credits roll, however. Over the title card of "Far Cry 6," you can hear an audio-only exchange between Juan and an unnamed "Smuggler" (who Eurogamer believes could be Vaas from "Far Cry 3"). Juan, who already made an agreement with Sean McKay to switch sides and pay Libertad for Viviro distribution, talks to this smuggler about Viviro production. The smuggler expresses condolences for Diego's death, and he and Juan laugh, possibly indicating that the cycle of corruption has just moved from Castillo to Libertad.

Three iconic villains return in Far Cry 6 DLC

Those intrigued by Juan's conversation with the smuggler at the end of "Far Cry 6" should take a look at the Season Pass. As part of the post-launch road map, Ubisoft announced that the Season Pass will include three standalone DLC episodes featuring "'Far Cry' gunplay mixed with roguelite mechanics," as well as a remaster of "Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon" for console users or the original 2013 version for PC players. Each of the DLC offerings focus on a past "Far Cry" villain, with Vaas taking center stage in November 2021 for Episode 1.


The focus on "Far Cry 3" led fans on Reddit to propose that Ubisoft is hinting at Vaas' survival after the events of the game. Juan and the smuggler's interaction could be more than just an Easter egg or tie-in to the planned DLC. At the moment, it's unclear what in-game time periods the episodes will span or how they will affect the complicated "Far Cry" timeline.

Dani embraces the guerilla lifestyle

Ubisoft plans to feature three additional crossover missions with Danny Trejo, Rambo, and "Stranger Things" in the "Far Cry 6" post-launch lineup. In the Danny Trejo crossover, he and Dani team up to deliver Trejo tacos around Yara — getting in trouble along the way, of course. In the "Stranger Things" crossover, the player must rescue Chorizo (the cute, wheelchair-bound puppy) from the Upside Down.


Additionally, Ubisoft will release weekly insurgency missions that seem to take place directly after the ending of "Far Cry 6," in which the player attempts to take out Castillo loyalists who still populate Yara. There are also special ops missions in which Dani has to eliminate some of Castillo's weapons dealers, indicating that they very much have embraced their guerrilla lifestyle. 

While these missions might not exactly fall into canon for "Far Cry," their inclusion alongside the "Far Cry 6" main game lets you continue playing as Dani for as long as you like. These offerings also include two-person co-op, a way to experience "Far Cry" in a different way.

Easter eggs may point to a more connected universe

The "Far Cry" franchise features self-contained games, although they all exist within the same universe (Willis Huntley appears in "Far Cry 3," "4," and "5," for example). However, some Easter eggs in "Far Cry 6" may hint at a more strongly connected storyline. One of the most significant Easter eggs is Smuggler's voice during the post-credits scene with Juan. If Vaas is the smuggler, in a game set squarely in 2020, the implications would be significant. In "Far Cry 3," the player truly believes Vaas died — though no body or grave are ever found and drugs are involved, so he could very well be alive.


Further adding to the worldbuilding is the existence of Boomer the dog, shipped to Yara from Montana, and the presence of magazines scattered throughout the world with Pagan Min's face on it, indicating members of Castillo's government may be in awe of their fellow dictator. Finally, if Sean McKay is allowed to live, he calls some of his friends on a satellite phone, and the player hears him mention some familiar names — including Huntley and Longinus from "Far Cry 4," tying the games together in a way that might prove Ubisoft has something up its sleeve for future "Far Cry" games.

