The One Way You Can Get Bayonetta 3 On PS5 And Xbox

One of the most long-awaited announcements from last Thursday's Nintendo Direct was the news about "Bayonetta 3." Fans have been looking for rumors since the 2017 reveal of the game, and for a while, things weren't looking good. Even Bayonetta's voice actor hinted at bad news for fans earlier in September. After Nintendo gave an update on "Bayonetta 3" in a Nintendo Direct presentation, fans began to wonder if the game would be a console exclusive. For "Bayonetta" fans who don't have a Switch, developer Hideki Kamiya has some ideas on how to enjoy the game.


According to Kamiya, Xbox and PlayStation fans should send their additional console requests to Nintendo since it's paying for the game to be developed (via translations from Nintendo Everything.) Kamiya also pointed out that it's not impossible to see the second and third games in the series appear on different consoles.

However, in the same sentence, Kamiya likened it to porting "Zelda" or "Mario" games over to another console — something that seems pretty unlikely to ever happen. In fact, Kamiya ended his statement by telling fans to not get their hopes up and to just go buy a Switch (via Nintendo Everything.)

However, others may have reason to think that "Bayonetta" could make an appearance on another console, particularly PC. It wouldn't be that difficult to imagine.


Could Bayonetta realistically make an appearance on other consoles?

Despite Kamiya telling fans to solve their problems by buying a Switch, some are holding fast to the idea that the latest "Bayonetta" games could appear somewhere else. It's not a far-fetched idea either — the first "Bayonetta" game is available on PC, via Steam.


However, "Bayonetta" probably won't be released anywhere else. After the first "Bayonetta" was released, Sega didn't fund its developer, Platinum Games, to create the second game. Nintendo stepped in and funded the second and third games, which is why the second game only came out on Nintendo consoles — and why "Bayonetta 3" will probably do the same.

Kamiya, who works with Platinum Games, had the idea that the only way fans would see "Bayonetta 3" on other consoles would be to bother Nintendo about it enough that it caved. However, given Nintendo's non-existent past with publishing their exclusives on other platforms, buying a Switch might be the only way to play "Bayonetta 3."

If you don't have a Nintendo Switch, you can play the first "Bayonetta" on Steam. Players are still finding easter eggs in the game years later, so it offers plenty to explore and enjoy.


