Knights Of The Old Republic 2 Almost Looked Completely Different

"Star Wars" fans are getting the remake they've been waiting for with Aspyr's "Knights of the Old Republic Remake," which was announced at The PlayStation Showcase 2021. While the remake will overhaul "Knights of the Old Republic" from the ground up, some fans might be left wondering what a continuation of the original storyline would look like. BioWare isn't working on the latest "Star Wars" project, but what might have happened if it made "Knights of the Old Republic 3?" It turns out that there were several ideas for the "Knights of the Old Republic" series that never came to light, including one for the second installment that would have turned the "Star Wars" world on its head.


In 2017, James Ohlen spoke to Eurogamer about what kind of story a BioWare-produced "Knights of the Old Republic 3" might have had. Ohlen was the lead designer of "Knights of the Old Republic" and the creative director of BioWare Austen at the time of the interview, though he's since retired from the company to pursue other career goals. Ohlen explained that his team had a different idea for the sequel to the popular "Star Wars" RPG, and that the twist it included would have blown fans' minds.

A dark betrayal

Ohlen shared that "the initial twist in the first two-page concept we had for Knights of the Old Republic 2 was you were going to be trained by a Yoda-like figure, someone from the Yoda race." It may be easy to imagine another character like Yoda now, especially considering that Grogu from "The Mandalorian" will be getting his own Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon in 2021, but Baby Yoda wasn't the first proposed addition to Yoda's species, nor was he the most shocking.


Ohlen revealed that "that character was going to train you in the first part of the game but then you were going to discover this Yoda figure was actually not the good Yoda you expected...He was training you to essentially be his enforcer, a Dark Lord to conquer the universe, and he was going to become the main villain." That's the type of twist that can devastate gamers and excite the fanbase, setting up interesting narratives for years to come within the "Star Wars" universe.

The idea didn't come to fruition, and BioWare eventually moved on to other projects. Ohlen noted that both "Dragon Age" and "Mass Effect" attempted to translate ideas from "Baldur's Gate" and "Star Wars" into original IP for BioWare. Now, years later, fans can say that those attempts were successful. Gamers may never know what it feels like to be betrayed by a tiny green teacher, but they'll soon rediscover what it means to learn the Jedi ways in "Knights of the Old Republic Remake."


