Stupid Things In 'Fallout 4' That Make No Sense
Bethesda has a history of creating some fascinating role-playing games, like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The studio's late-2015 release, Fallout 4, is no exception: it's a massive open-world adventure that's a mix of grandeur, style, and deep RPG systems. But projects as ambitious as this, in line with Bethesda's track record, suffer from some loose ends when it comes to story and mechanics, and generally silly nonsense composed of hilarious glitches and goofy easter eggs. Here are some of the stupid things in Fallout 4 that just don't make no damn sense.
Hilarious Glitches
Given that Fallout 4 is a Bethesda release, and yet another iteration on the studio's blend of RPG elements and massive scale, glitches abound. Sometimes a mission glitches out before you complete it. Sometimes your companion disappears without notice or so much as a thoughtful goodbye note. We've even heard of instances where you simply collapse dead while running through the wasteland—must have been that inevitable instant radiation poisoning.
But sometimes the bugs are simply spectacular in truly inexplicable ways. Sometimes you'll shoot an enemy and he'll rocket at light speed into the sky, never to be seen again by friend or foe. Sometimes you'll see the clearly eviscerated limbs of a dead raider spinning around on the ground off in the distance. If you're lucky, you'll have a crucial cutscene conversation interrupted by a character who walks into you from off-screen and pushes you just far enough away that the dialogue with the other character ends, and you have to run back over to who you were talking to...just to start the conversation back up again. War never changes. And neither do the hilarity of Bethesda's glitches.
The Mysterious Stranger Perk
Though not unique to Fallout 4, the Mysterious Stranger Perk has been a point of pondering for many players. For those unaware, this perk unlocks the ability for a character known only as the Mysterious Stranger to appear in combat to assist you. Specifically, he takes the form of a generic Film Noir detective with a .44 pistol and can deliver the final killing shot on an enemy.
However useful this enigmatic handyman may be to you, his magical trenchcoat-wearing appearances in the wasteland go entirely unexplained—unless you count the algorithm that factors your "Luck" level into his chance of appearing as a sufficient explanation. If you do, then you probably put all of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points into Charisma and Luck anyway, so more power to you.
Magic Radiation Drugs
Nothing in the dystopian, post-nuclear universe of Fallout 4 is as polarizing as the existence and use of radiation drugs. To some, it's a crippling addiction that tears apart families. To others it's a means of trade to make enough caps to survive, or even thrive. To the player, it's a bevy of super sick needle and pill-based drugs you can pump yourself full of to slow down time, increase your resistance to radiation, or buff up your physical performance. You know: drugs!
But the most nonsensical of them all is Radaway, a drug that removes radiation poison. Got too much radiation from all the raw mole rat carcasses you've been shoveling down your gullet? How about all those mini-nukes you carry around in your pocket all day? Just pop a few radaway, and you're ready to hit the trail again, radiation free, Vault Dweller! But if these magic vitamins contain no side effects and only help to cure radiation poisoning, a disease that is mercilessly plaguing the entire wasteland at a massive scale, don't you think someone should be mass producing this by now? Wouldn't the world's powers, as weak as they've become, form together around this miraculous wonder drug in the pursuit of freeing mankind from the shackles of global nuclear suffering?
Nope! Instead, you find Radaway tucked away in half eaten chili cans in blown over houses, and in the carcasses of freshly murdered, mutated wildlife. No wonder this whole place is in such disrepair.
The Pip Boy Arm Computer
Let's get straight to the point here: the Pip Boy computer is hilariously incapable from a technological standpoint of actually doing anything it's somehow able to accomplish in-game. It can manage your inventory, display local and full-scale region maps of your location, track multiple GPS locations including your own and that of anyone who has ever given you a quest, provide persistent navigation, play multiple radio stations and holo tapes over a speaker, and do so without ever needing a charge. Is this thing solar-powered? Radiation powered? And isn't this thing running on 64k RAM and an operating infrastructure pre-dating basic DOS? But if Apple released a Pip-Boy iWatch case, well, so long life savings!
The Junk Jet
This is literally a weapon that fires random objects at mach-speed out of a tube. Not only was it invented by an angry nerd scientist with a fascination with military grade weaponry, it also just fires literally all the junk in your inventory at targets of your choosing. If you have an inventory of complete trash, from paint cans, cafeteria trays, bowling balls, and forks, and you're short on real ammo, the Junk Jet is your true homie.
But the sheer fact that it can fire everything from a paper clip to a typewriter one after the other at the perilous speed of a bullet brings to mind the complex exactly does the thing work? What does it run off, like 16 D batteries? After a few deep breaths, however, we've come to terms with it.