Destroy The Arena In Rocket League's Dropshot Mode

Most of the time, Rocket League is a game about cars playing soccer—except for when it's a game about cars playing basketball, or hockey, or whatever the heck the super-powered Rumble is. But Dropshot, the game's newest (and absolutely free) addition, isn't like the others: instead of shooting the ball (or puck) into a net, you'll actually need to create the goal itself.


The point of the game is still to outscore your opponent, but in Dropshot, Rocket League works a little differently. Unlike a regular game of Rocket League, which takes place on a soccer pitch, you'll play Dropshot on a futuristic-looking surface made out of hexagons. If your team touches the ball before it lands in enemy territory, the hexagon that the ball hits will light up. Hit that spot again, and that section of the floor will disappear entirely, creating a space that you can drop the ball into for points (cars will still drive over the hole like normal, so don't worry about falling in during a fast-paced match).

Additionally, the longer that the ball goes without touching the floor, the more powerful it becomes. If a fully-charged ball hits the ground, it can activate or destroy tiles that are adjacent to the landing spot, opening up massive gaps to create more scoring opportunities. Once you score a goal, your opponent's floor will reset but yours won't, making defense a little bit harder while you try to pull ahead.


Naturally, Dropshot fundamentally changes the way that Rocket League plays—since possession (or who touched the ball last) is more important in Dropshot than other modes, players will need to get very good at intercepting the ball in the air, and juggling it to make sure that it doesn't hit vulnerable ground.

According to PC Gamer, Dropshot began life as Rocket League's spin on volleyball, although PC Gamer says that it feels more like Breakout or Super Smash Bros. than a traditional sport. That's probably for the best. Video games have a habit of screwing up even the most basic real-life activities, and honestly, we're talking about soccer-playing cars here—there's room for a little bit of artistic interpretation.

