The Bizarre Reason This Titanfall Group Hacked Apex Legends

While "Titanfall" and "Apex Legends" are loosely connected to each other through an in-game universe, the two titles also share a common problem in the real world: cheaters. It's no secret that "Apex Legends" has been bogged down by dishonest players for far too long, though now it's become such an issue in "Titanfall" that fans can no longer enjoy the game. As a result, a hacker (or group of hackers) recently took it upon themselves to fight fire with fire.


Twitter account Apex Legends News tweeted that someone hacked into "Apex Legends" to share the message that "Titanfall" is under attack. Some gamers have eagerly logged in to play the popular battle royale, only to see a message that reads, "TF1 is being attacked so is Apex." The account also reported, "Players affected by the hack are unable to queue for any other game mode," forcing them to simply take in the message while they wait for a fix. Even when a round is over, players are shown another message and encouraged to "visit and repost"

In an effort to rally enough support, the "Save Titanfall" site is packed with relevant articles, a Discord server, and a link to "spread the word" through Twitter, Facebook, and email. The core message from this group is the belief that Respawn is wrongfully profiting off of a game that is "completely unplayable."


Righteous hacking?

So how do gamers feel about seeing a hacker interrupting one game for the sake of another?

Some are happy to see a person take charge. One user said, "How are hackers doing a better job at running the game[?]" Another fan seemingly offered a toast to the hacker, though they followed up their original tweet clarifying that they were not supporting the hacker's actions. In other words, some people clearly have mixed feelings on the matter.


Others are definitely bothered by the interference. One user passionately railed against this "Titanfall" player for ruining their experience playing "Apex Legends." Some feel like the developer is getting what it deserves.

One would assume that the developers will eventually take action against cheaters in "Titanfall." After all, Respawn announced in early April that it was hard at work on a new feature for "Apex Legends" that would nullify match results where hackers were present.

If this movement gains enough support, it's possible that more hackers will use their know-how to address ongoing gaming problems in the future. Whether this is a good thing or not is clearly a cause for debate among players.


