How Final Fantasy Players Paid Tribute To A Legend

News just broke of the devastating death of Kentaro Miura, who was the creator of the incredibly popular and influential manga series "Berserk." While this loss has certainly affected anime and manga fans, it's also brought sorrow to the gaming community. Miura's work has influenced multiple video games over the years, including "Dark Souls" and "Final Fantasy." Because of this, fans of the latter series decided to band together and pay tribute to this legendary creator.


As @Reyna00766927 on Twitter explained, the Dark Knights in "Final Fantasy 14" were reportedly inspired by the character Guts from "Berserk," and so the game seemed to be the perfect place for his fans to gather.

A user named @animegamingnerd on Twitter shared images of an in-game memorial for the late Miura that took place in "Final Fantasy 14." According to @animegamingnerd, "players are holding a memorial for Miura by showing up to the starting town as the dark knight class." One of the images shows avatars lined up with small campfires burning in front of them. In the comments, a user reported that "people are still coming," as more people had learned about the gathering.

It's moments like these that really bring gamers together as a community.


The response to Kentaro Miura's death

The world of Twitter is mourning the loss of this great manga artist as well. Dark Horse Comics tweeted, "Miura-sensei was a master artist and storyteller and we had the great privilege of publishing several of his finest works, including his masterpiece, Berserk."


Users in the comments section shared anecdotes about Kentaro Miura, including a humorous story about his reaction to seeing "Evil Dead 2" and "Army of Darkness" for the first time. Apparently, having just completed the first installment of "Berserk," he was afraid that it was too similar to those iconic horror films. Other fans simply thanked him for his work and expressed sorrow over his death.

One user in the thread brought up the "Final Fantasy 14" tribute, showing just how big of an event this was in the game. To put things in perspective, someone on Twitter reported, "there's nearly a thousand people lined up in Guts cosplay on my 'Final Fantasy 14' server to celebrate Miura and 'Berserk.'"


This touching tribute illustrates how much of an impact Kentaro Miura had on multiple industries, and how much he will truly be missed by the fans.

