New Pokemon Snap Could Have Even More On The Way

After months of speculation, "New Pokemon Snap" has finally released, and data miners were quick to dig through the game and see what they could find. The result? Possible DLC. One particular Twitter user, SciresM, self-described "console hacker" and contributor to fan-site Project Pokemon, has revealed that there may be more to "New Pokemon Snap" than meets the eye.


SciresM found some crucial information about future news for "New Pokemon Snap." While checking out the game's Pokedex, he discovered that the roster of available Pokemon in the game had more than a couple blank spots. Although over 200 Pokemon were included in the game at launch, developers have previously explained how difficult it was to choose the Pokemon that made it into the game.

However, judging from these blank spots, the developers might have plans to include more and more Pokemon as time goes on. Considering the "Pokemon" series has received DLC for the recent mainline games, "Pokemon Sword" and "Pokemon Shield," it may not come as too much of a surprise to see "New Pokemon Snap" get a DLC that adds more creatures to the game.


For fans, this news wasn't the most pleasant to see. The term "dexit" was thrown around, essentially accusing the developers of intentionally gatekeeping content so that Nintendo could make more revenue down the line. Fans have been talking about this very concept since before "Pokemon Sword" and "Pokemon Shield" were released, thanks to the incomplete National Pokedex in those games.

One user described their problem with "New Pokemon Snap" in terms of percentages: "Regarding to ratio, Pokemon in "Snap"/Pokemon in total, there [are] LESS in "Snap" (about 20% of the species) than [there were] in the originals (39%)." While the news had already been released regarding the number of Pokemon included in "New Pokemon Snap," not everyone was in the loop when it came to knowing how many Pokemon were coming to the game. Another user argued with these figures and said, "percentage doesn't really matter, more [Pokemon] means the workload increased regardless." In other words, this user thinks that it makes sense that the devs couldn't squeeze in every single Pokemon ever.

"New Pokemon Snap" has already solved a few issues for the "Pokemon" community, including the fact that previous games have struggled with depicting varying Pokemon sizes. Now, with the fear of costly DLC potentially being attached to the game, the studio may need to figure out how to make "Pokemon" fans happy in the future.


