New Halo Infinite Features Will Make Players Very Happy

"Halo Infinite" might not have a new release date after it was delayed in 2020, but it does have several promising new features for fans to get excited about. A new blog post by Matt Booty, the head of Xbox Game Studios, elaboratds on Microsoft's new plans for "Halo Infinite," as well as a recommitment to the PC gaming community.


First off, Booty announced, "'Halo Infinite' will support multiplayer cross-play and cross-progression when it releases later this year." In other words, players on PC can play with their Xbox friends, and vice versa. Players will be able to take their progress with them if they choose to switch systems as well.

In addition to crossplay, Booty explained that Microsoft remained committed to the PC gaming community, and would provide "support for ultrawide and super ultrawide screens, triple keybinds, a wide variety of advanced graphics options and more." All of these features are specific to players using the PC version of "Halo Infinite."

Booty stated that Microsoft was aware that PC gamers have a variety of storefronts to choose from when purchasing games, and would work to get more Microsoft-owned games on other platforms in the future. Microsoft wants to communicate that its mission is "to connect players with games no matter where they play," including the PC. Booty explained that Microsoft has a "player first" approach to gaming. He said, "'player first' has to apply for PC, as well, and to that end we've been making investments across the PC gaming ecosystem to ensure that PC is a key part of how people can play games." Booty went on to describe those investments in the form of a long list of games Microsoft recently released for PCs.


Some fans weren't quite sure how to feel about Booty's announcements, though, arguing that the wording may have implied that "Halo Infinite" will only be available for cross-play in multiplayer mode, but not in the campaign. Hopefully, Microsoft will reveal more details and clear up these questions as "Halo Infinite" nears release. 

Considering the fact that Microsoft initially used "Halo Infinite" as an incentive for gamers to buy the series X, it stands to reason that the company would want to ship the flagship game as soon as possible. Until "Halo Infinite" arrives, there's nothing to do except play a few other games to pass the time. At least now fans know that when the time comes, everyone should be able to play together.

