1 In 4 People Picked This As Their Go-To Mario Kart Character

Which character is your go-to in "Mario Kart?" SVG asked 2,400 gamers in the U.S. this question and got some interesting results. Out of Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, there was one clear winner who 1 in 4 participants chose as their ride-or-die. Beyond that, the shockingly popular "Other" category also yielded some surprising responses.


Coming in first place out of his three costars, Mario got 26% of the vote. That means if you're playing "Mario Kart" with three of your buddies, one of you is statistically likely to choose the titular character of the series. While it's not a shock, it's still not a clean sweep for Mario. No word on how the results could have changed if the rejected Bathing Suit Mario design had gotten its time in the spotlight.

Luigi was a bit behind his brother with 16% of the vote. If you love an underdog, Luigi's your guy. While he'll likely never be as popular as Mario, he would totally take him down in a fight.

Most Likely to Hit a Banana Peel

Bowser got the bronze with 11% of the vote. That's a surprisingly low performance, especially considering the success of semi-open-world game "Bowser's Fury." Even though fans are summoning Bowser to help them out in that game, they're not as excited about picking him as their star "Mario Kart" racer.


Bringing up the rear, Princess Peach scored just 5%. Maybe it's because she'll never be right for Mario, or because she's actually done some pretty terrible things over the course of her video game career.

The highest number of votes came from the "Other" category, which a whopping 42% of participants selected. The comments tell the full story. Over 30 participants wrote in Yoshi, while over 20 wrote in Toad as their favorite. Other characters mentioned include Waluigi, Wario, Link, Donkey Kong, and Rosalina.

Whoever you play as in this beloved series, now you know how you compare to fellow gamers. With so many passionate fans, it's no wonder that "Mario Kart 8 Deluxe" gets more popular with each passing year.


