Pokimane May Be Rethinking This Career Move

Pokimane has built a following for her acts of kindness that have left fellow streamers speechless, as well as her willingness to speak her mind about scandals in the streaming world. However, her career has not been without incident, and her high profile has led to a good bit of drama over the years.


During a recent stream, Pokimane told her fans she was thinking of moving back into the OfflineTV house, a mansion shared by several popular content creators, as well as the place that Poki used to call home. The only thing is, she seemed to be unsure as to whether or not this would be the right move for her.

"I don't know if I should say it. I don't know if I have permission to say it, I don't know if it's a bad idea to say it, but I'm going to say it," said Pokimane. "I'm going to say it. I might move back into the OTV house."

She then paused for a long while, allowing her viewers a moment to soak up the information. After a moment, Pokimane laughed and explained a bit further. "Not fully decided or anything," she said, backtracking just a bit. "But yeah, I'm really considering it[.]"


She explained that her current roommates, including Valkyrae, have possible "moving plans," which puts her in the position of figuring out if she wants to live alone or go be with her friends at OTV. Ultimately, Pokimane seemed to lean in the direction of wanting to be around other people.

"I kind of want to try living alone, maybe," she said. "But also, I think I'm just gonna get really lonely and be sad, so ... So I'm just like, f**k it, why not just live with OTV again?"

Fans were shocked last year when Pokimane announced that she was moving out of the Offline TV house. Pokimane eventually revealed that "a big part" of why she left the house was because of harassment received by former OfflineTV member Federico Michael "Fedmyster" Gaytan. Following multiple allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct leveled at Fedmyster, he was asked to leave OfflineTV. While things were clearly rocky over at OfflineTV, Pokimane eventually expressed that she felt the drama had been put "to rest."

Pokimane seems excited about the possibility of moving back in with her buds, but it's clear that she has a lot of decisions to make before it becomes a reality. Whatever she decides, her fans are sure to be along for the ride.


