The Community Is Hot On The Trails Of This GTA Mastermind's New Game

What exactly is Build a Rocket Boy's Everywhere? Until now, fans haven't had a lot of information about the potential GTA rival cooked up by former Rockstar North president Leslie Benzies. A new statement seems to have confirmed several fan theories concerning the elusive Everywhere.


In a statement to IGN, a spokesperson for the Built a Rocket Boy studio said that they "love how the community is piecing together all the information they can." They went on to say, "Some of the things they found out ... are actually not far off from what we envision, but there's a lot of context and scale missing that will be really exciting for players to dive into and experience once we release."

While the statement didn't go into detail about Everywhere, it does seem as though fans are on the right wavelength — and that Everywhere may be designed to be an even more ambitious project than previously conceived. On Reddit, fans are particularly excited about the word "scale" — and some believe that Everywhere might be a type of proto-social network in which real-life interactions and digital events are blended.


In 2016, GTA series producer Leslie Benzies left the company to found his own studio — Build A Rocket Boy Games. At the same time, he announced Everywhere. According to initial reports around the time of its announcement, Everywhere is intended to be an open-world RPG. The game was being developed with Amazon's Lumberyard engine, but it's since switched to Unreal. According to the developers, a primary goal of Everywhere was to give players an extraordinary amount of freedom, with the idea that they would be able to blur the lines between reality and the digital world, and "be entertained, and also entertain others." 

Since then, fans have tried to make predictions about the true nature of the game. Reddit users have speculated about a number of patents filed, including a tie-in between real-world and in-game products, an in-game TV screen, and an in-game VR world. Another user discovered hidden art on the Everywhere website which could indicate a robot character — and tweets from the official Everywhere Twitter account appear to confirm this.

If the curiosity of fans is any indication, the latest statement from Build a Robot Boy is likely to kick off a whole new wave of speculation. So, when will Everywhere launch? There's no set release date for the game, but business documents indicate that late 2021 could be possible, if unlikely. 


