What The Critics Are Saying About Loop Hero

Loop Hero, the latest game from the always-planning Devolver Digital and FourQuarters Team, throws players into deadly randomly generated dungeon adventures, over and over again. After an evil Lich plunges the world into a never-ending time loop, one brave adventurer must attempt to set things right. Players can use a deck of magical cards to arrange the dungeon as they like, deciding where to put enemies and obstacles. This way, players have a hand in their own obstacles, and can choose when and where to encounter certain hurdles.


The reviews for Loop Hero are here to usher in its release, and critics are praising the game's innovation. While Loop Hero's gameplay stands out from similar titles, its limited graphics and retro style left some critics wanting more. That being said, Loop Hero is likely some fans' cup of tea, and many critics walked away with positive thoughts for the game.

Evan Lahti at PC Gamer called Loop Hero one of 2021's "early gems," which set the tone for the glowing reviews Loop Hero has received so far.

Loop Hero is automatic fun

Sam Machovek at Ars Technica wrote that Loop Hero should be off-putting with its 80's style graphics and idle gameplay mechanics, but he found himself oddly charmed by the game.

As players acquire new cards, they can face different obstacles, working through the planned loop until they either complete it or die. Machovek pointed out that Loop Hero is a "twist on the 'idle' genre," games that function on timers. Loop Hero plays itself, Machovek pointed out, and players can set up their dungeon loops and let the game do its thing, without having to actually navigate the obstacles themselves. 


"For a so-called 'automatic' game, Loop Hero sure presents enough questions and choices to get me invested in its missions," Machovek wrote. "I haven't felt this surprised and engaged by a mix of new and familiar in a game since Slay the Spire." 

Loop Hero asks players to think of possibilities when creating a dungeon loop, and ultimately those choices provide a level replayability that doesn't require a player's full attention. However, that doesn't make the game any less fun.

Loop Hero is a beautiful time sink

Kyle LeClair of Hardcore Gamer commented that he almost had to delay his Loop Hero review because he was too busy playing it, which probably counts as a good sign. LeClair called Loop Hero "addictive," and a "fresh twist on roguelikes." Loop Hero, LeClair stated, is about patience, and part of that patience is getting sucked back into the game again and again.


Similarly, Chris White from God is a Geek noted that Loop Hero will suck up players' time in the best possible way. White explained that some players might want to pass on Loop Hero because of its retro graphics, but the game's brilliance outshines its retro look. Loop Hero allows players to come and go from the dungeons as they please, but each time players leave the expedition will begin fresh. White argued that Loop Hero teaches players how to play as they go, and players will constantly learn new skills as they progress through the game. While many of those abilities might come in the form of cards, players also must learn strategies that work for them, effectively growing with the game.

