Survey Reveals How Many People Picked Warzone As Their Favorite Battle Royale Game

The battle royale genre has become saturated with a multitude of uber-popular titles. From Fortnite to Fall Guys to Apex Legendsthe battle royale genre covers a wide variety of gameplay genres, many of which take the form of shooters and party games. And a recent survey from SVG reveals which games are most popular among battle royale players.


By a wide margin, the aforementioned Fortnite (which has featured numerous huge events) was the most popular battle royale game among respondents, selected by 38.67% of voters out of 618 respondents. The wildly successful Epic Games title was followed by Call of Duty: Warzone, winning over 16.50% of respondents. Apex Legends was the next most popular battle royale title, with 12.30% of the vote. PUBG was next up on the list, with 10.03% of the vote, exceeding its results in a previous survey that showed its favorability by 9% of battle royale players.

The undying battle royale genre

Last on the list was Ubisoft's Hyper Scape. Favored by just 7.44% of respondents, these results don't come as much of a surprise, given that game's failure to meet expectations. Finally, 15.05% of those surveyed selected "Other." When asked to specify, many indicated that they did not have a favorite battle royale game, though one of the choices named by respondents was Fall Guys. 


For the most part, the most popular picks aren't a huge surprise. Since its release in 2017, Fortnite has been a go-to for popular streamers and continually updated with new content, including hyped-up skin debuts and crossovers with franchises like God of War. Call of Duty: Warzone certainly shook up the battle royale scene, garnering 75 million downloads within just five months of release. This can be attributed in part to the popularity its status as part of the Call of Duty franchise, though this clearly hasn't been quite enough to topple Fortnite from its secured throne.

