Everything We Know About The Teamfight Tactics: Fates Championship

Teamfight Tactics, the auto-chess PC and mobile game from Riot Games, is coming back to the international scene from April 7, 2021 to April 9, 2021. This isn't the first time Teamfight Tactics has seen a global tournament, but there are some significant changes from the previous iteration. In 2020, players competed from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This will stay the same for the Fates Championship.


The spin-off of League of Legends released back in 2019, and players were hooked from the beginning. The game has received constant updates since, including both cosmetic and item/champion sets. Teamfight Tactics has become its own game, no longer serving as just an alternative game mode for League. The current set, 4.5 Fates: Festival of Beasts, will be the same set in play during the championship.

According to TFTACTICS.GG, the meta compositions have plenty of room for variety. Brawlers are the strongest with a team of seven brawlers, and Duelists come right behind. Warlords are also oppressive, and there are two popular S-tier compositions featuring the class. These dominating meta lineups will more than likely show up on the global stage.


Teamfight Tactics: Fates Championship Regional Qualifiers

As revealed in the latest press release, Riot Games is increasing the number of players in the international competition, bringing in 24 players to compete over three days, compared to the 16 players from last year. Most regions have started their qualification processes already, holding preliminary qualifiers before the regional tournaments that will send players to the global championship. 


There's a breakdown for just how many players will come from each region. Oceania will have one player, Latin America will have two players, Brazil will have two players, Japan will have one player, Korea will have three players, North America will have four players, China will have five players, and Europe, Turkey, and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) will have six players combined.

Last year, Double61 from France took the title of TFT Galaxies Champion at just 16-years-old. He dominated the competition, winning all three rounds that he competed in on the last day.

Teamfight Tactics: Fates Championship Format

Per the press release, the championship will last for three days, having players compete in a few games leading up to the finals. On the first day, the 24 players will be separated into three groups based on how they performed in regional qualifiers. From there, the top 16 players will advance to the second day. 


The second day will work similarly, with the top 16 players being separated into two groups based on their performance from the first day. The top eight players will make it to the last day, when they'll compete against each other to see who can hit 18 points first. After hitting 18 points, a player will need to win a game in order to take home the TFT Fates Champion title.

This format gives players a little bit of wiggle room. If someone gets comically bad rolls in the first few rounds of the game, he or she will still have a chance to come back and secure the win later on.

Teamfight Tactics: Fates Championship Prize Pool

As detailed by Riot Games' press release, the 24 competitors are fighting it out over a $250,000 prize pool. All 24 will receive some amount of money, starting at $4,000. For every two places, the prize money goes up by $500 until ninth place. From there, the prizes start to increase at different intervals, leading up to a $26,000 prize for second place and the grand prize of $41,500.


Compared to last year's tournament, this is a pretty sweet deal. In the Galaxies competition, only the top eight winners received cash prizes, and amounts were slightly less than they will be in the upcoming tournament. Players will be competing for an extra day compared to last year, so the update in prize money makes sense.

Fans can watch the Championship unfold on Riot Games' Twitch channel or on the Teamfight Tactics website.

