Nearly 1-In-4 People Wish This Video Game Sequel Never Happened

Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a recent example of a sequel that, while risky, succeeded with critics and existing fans of the seres. Like A Dragon most notably replaced the real-time brawler-inspired combat of prior Yakuza entries with a turn-based RPG battle system. The result of this risky change was one of the best PS4 games of 2020.


Naturally, however, video game sequels that take big risks or otherwise change up an established franchise formula aren't always met with such unqualified praise. Sometimes a sequel can even simply fall victim to lackluster writing, like Mass Effect: Andromeda. Overall, video game history at large includes numerous examples of sequels that failed to win over a franchise's existing fanbase.

SVG conducted a poll of more than 600 residents of the United States in order to determine which video game sequels fans most wish had never even seen the light of day. Earning approximately 24% of votes and taking first-place was Resident Evil 6.

Resident Evil 6 Did Too Little With Too Much

On paper at least, Resident Evil 6 could have been a worthwhile entry in the Resident Evil series. Its cast of playable characters was bolstered from the typical one or two to a total of seven. To fit its expanded roster, its story was spread out over multiple campaigns. These additions ended up making for a disappointing sequel, however.


Whereas many prior Resident Evil classics were driven by scares, Resident Evil 6 was more of a full-on action game. Plus, its action gameplay was cheapened by insta-kill obstacles and quick-time events that mostly just added in new potential for frustration.

By comparison, the Resident Evil franchise at large includes classics both old and new. Resident Evil 2, for example, was an early and influential zombie action game. Resident Evil 7, meanwhile, was released nearly 20 years later and is considered to be one of the greatest horror games of all time.

It's unsurprising, then, that fans of Resident Evil's many standout entries would want one of the few critical blemishes on the franchise erased entirely.


Turning gold into lead

Earning the second most votes was an "Other" option, which prompted players to list their own selection for unworthiest sequel. A clear consensus was not reached among the answers provided, effectively earning a second-place spot for the idea of bad sequels in general.


In third place, with about 17.5% of all votes, was Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Overall, the third entry in the recent Tomb Raider reboot trilogy was largely well-received. This seems to prove that not everyone will be pleased by modern updates to classic characters.

In fourth place was Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, which hardly resembles the Banjo-Kazooie games that preceded it. In fifth place was Dead Space 3. While not a disaster, the third entry in the Dead Space series was nevertheless bad enough to more-or-less stop the franchise dead in its tracks.

In fifth and sixth place respectively, both earning just over 7% of the vote, were Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Kingdom Hearts 3. Neither game was poorly-reviewed, demonstrating that a sequel doesn't have to be bad for some to find it worthy of removal.


